CSE 373 Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 2015
This page contains topic lists for the exams and links to exams from previous quarters. Previous offerings of the course may have covered somewhat different topics, and the order may not have been quite the same. In previous quarters, there have been two midterms. Only pay attention to questions that cover material on the topics we have discussed in lecture.
In addition to old exams, you will want to review homework exercises, try additional problems from the textbook, and review lecture material.
All exams will be closed book and closed notes, and you will not be allowed to use calculators or other electronic devices.
Topics Covered
The midterm covers all the course material up through priority queues and heaps (all lectures up to and including July 10th). Topics include stacks, queues, induction, asymptotic analysis, dictionaries, binary trees, binary search trees, AVL trees, priority queues, and heaps.
Sample Midterms
Our exam will consist of various types of short-answer questions. You may be asked to write or read Java code or pseudocode. Please understand that the sample exams are provided as a study guide, not as any guarantee of the format of our actual midterm in terms of length or type of questions.
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2013: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Winter 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2011: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2010: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Spring 2010: unsolved solved
Topics Covered
The final exam is cumulative but more weight will be given to topics covered since the midterm. Note that our final will be 60 minutes long, while previous midterms were 50 minutes and previous finals were 2 hours, so the length will be different than previous exams. So, review all topics covered in lecture or homework assignments except a few topics clearly marked as optional (notably AVL deletion and the details of the proof for the lower bound for comparison sorting).
For advanced topics like dynamic programming, backtracking, p vs. np, np-completeness, you DO need to know the BASIC ideas about how they work. I will not ask you to write any code or do any proofs on these topics, but you SHOULD understand the main idea behind how they work.
Sample Exams
Our exam will consist of various types of short-answer questions. You may be asked to write or read Java code or pseudocode. It will be similar in style to the midterm.
Because our final exam is cumulative and the summer quarter is shorter, it makes sense to provide questions from old midterm exams. Note that we did not study B trees, leftist heaps, or skew heaps.
Midterm 1:
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2013: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Winter 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2011: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Fall 2010: unsolved solved
- Midterm 1 From Spring 2010: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Fall 2013: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Fall 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Winter 2012: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Fall 2011: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Fall 2010: unsolved solved
- Midterm 2 From Spring 2010: unsolved solved
Some additional questions
We encourage students to post their own questions for others on the discussion board or send the staff suggestionsComputer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX