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  1. Assignment #0, description of the gameplay -- Due electronically Monday, October 10, 10:00pm.
    You will need the files contained in hw0.zip to complete the assignment.
    Turn-in here

  2. Assignment #1, -- Due electronically Friday, October 28, 10:00pm.
    You will need the files contained in hw1.zip to complete the assignment.
    A MineBoard class if you don't want to use your own: MineBoard.class
    Turn-in here

  3. Assignment #2, -- Due electronically Monday, November 7, 10:00pm.
    You will need the files contained in hw2.zip to complete the assignment.
    Supplemental description
    big file of precomputed rules
    huge file of precomputed rules
    Turn-in here (ignore the receipt saying hw1)

  4. Assignment #3, -- Due electronically Monday, November 21, 10:00pm.
    You will need the files contained in hw3.zip to complete the assignment.
    Turn-in here

  5. Assignment #4, -- Due electronically Friday, December 9, 10:00pm.
    You will need the files contained in Graph.zip to complete the assignment.
    Improved DrawingPanel and GraphUI, courtesy Kate Deibel.
    Turn-in here

Homework Submission Policy

All students are responsible for knowing the homework policy.