CSE373—Data Structures and Algorithms for Nonmajors

Programming Assignment #2

due: Monday, 11/7/05, 10:00 PM


In the previous assignment, the program tried successive strategies over a continually changing list of cells.  The third strategy, the most powerful, was also the most expensive time-wise.  In this assignment, we address how to keep most of the functionality of DeriveRuleMineStrategy while greatly improving its speed (at the cost of space).

As I am typing this document right now, my computer is playing thousands of games of MineSweeper, recording snapshots of windows of the boards when DeriveRuleMineStrategy concludes that a cell should be marked or explored.  You will have all this data at your disposal – precomputed – and your task will be to use it instead of doing the expensive computations of DeriveRuleMineStrategy.

Programming (40%):

We will use all files from the previous assignment, and add the following:

·         MineWindow.java – a window on a board; there exists two sets of these, windows that illustrate Mark rules and windows that illustrate Explore rules (you need to implement hashCode here)

·         RecordDeriveRuleMineStrategy – basically DeriveRuleMineStrategy, but it also stores rules that succeed (mostly for your enjoyment)

·         PrecomputedMineStrategy – this strategy sees if the current window matches one in the markSet or exploreSet, and if so, returns the appropriate decision




int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for a MineWindow object.

Quoting Sun’s writeup, the general contract of hashCode is:

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
  • If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
  • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables.

Your hashCode must satisfy the above contract and should be designed to perform hashing well.

To test your hashCode, replace the last strategy, which was DeriveRuleMineStrategy, with new PrecomputedStrategy().  Your code would theoretically perform identically if all possible decisions were precomputed.  In this case, your code should perform much better than with just ZerosMineStrategy and MineCountStrategy.



Short Answer Questions (60%):

Put your answers to the following in a file called questions.txt (you can use Notepad for editing).  You will be graded on content, not on spelling or grammar.

1) Put counters (they can be public static void) into MineWindow and record the total number of calls to .equals(Object o) and hashCode().  Repeat with your hashCode() changed to return 42.

2) G-T page 413, R-9.4

3) G-T page 413, R-9.6

4) G-T page 413, R-9.8

5) In your own words, why is it so challenging to make a fast hashCode for a String?

6) Read .equals and hashCode for List:


Read .equals and hashCode for Set:


What is the difference between a Set and a List that requires the different formulations?

Explain how the requirement of o1.equals(o2) == true Po1.hashCode()==o2.hashCode() is met.

Explain any attempts to avoid clustering of hashCodes.

Bonus (5%):

Put in questions.txt too.

If the information in a window deduces to a rule, then its transpose (reflection around y=x) deduces the same rule.  Certainly one way to exploit this fact is to make sure that every element in the markSet or exploreSet has a matching pair corresponding to it.  Another way, if we are concerned about space, is to have a .equals and a hashCode that considers both a window and its pair to be equivalent.  Put code in here that implements .equals and hashCode for this implementation.

Turn in your work electronically from the “assignments” link on the claswebpage.