CSE370 Laboratory Assignment 7
Design Project
Distributed: 25 February 2004
Due: 10 March 2004 (both lab sections)
In this laboratory assignment
you will
decode a hex keypad and transmit the value of the key pressed over
RS232 to a
computer(see lecture_slides).
You are provided with a schematic and two incomplete Verilog
description files (KeyPad_Decode
and SerialEncoder) that you must complete. Once you have completed the
and have verified them in simulation, you will then synthesize these
two parts
into PALs and wire up the entire circuit. You will connect your XLA5
board to a
PC running HyperTerminal to provide the characters to display and send
over the RS232 cable. There will be a possibility for extra credit in
Design Files
To create your own design for this project, load the following files
NOTE: You can work with your laboratory
partner on
this assignment but please don't collaborate between groups. You will
turn in a
single copy of written material with both of your names on it.
- Determine how the keypad works. The keypad has
nine pins, four connected to rows, four connected to columns, and one
common pin. Plug the keypad into your protoboard and use your logic
probe to determine the keypad's wiring.
- Complete the design of the KeyPad_Decode and
SerialEncoder Verilog modules. You will need to turn in BOTH the
Verilog code and a state diagram for each module.
- Simulate your complete design using the block
diagram provided. Turn in simulation waveforms that clearly show a key
being pressed causing the corresponding RS232 stream to be generated.
Make sure to include all signals of interest in the simulation
- Wire up the circuit using the provided
schematic as a guide. Here are details on hooking up the
By now, you'll should have completed
the design of your two PALs and verified their operation in the
simulator. You'll have to decide on your own pin assignments for the
PALs, there is a section below that talks about how to create wiring
The FPGA has a module
serial_buffer that takes your serial stream and sends it to the
computer at
9600 baud. The serial_buffer module is already loaded into the FPGA
(see schematic).
The FPGA has the following interface:
- O1-- Clock signal output
- O2-- Your RS232 stream from your
- SW8-- Toggle control for clock.
- "0"-- Single Pulse Mode
- "1"-- Clock continuously running
- LD8-- State of Clock Toggle (see SW8)
- BTN4-- Generate Single Clock Pulse
- LD7-- LED is on when the SerialBuffer is
receiving a serial stream on O2.
- LD6/RESET-- Output of the Reset Button
(notice this doubles as a LED and as control pin)
- BTN1-- Reset
Notice the system
already has a
reset built in for you so all components will be reset at the same
time. Use
push-button BTN1 to indicate a reset. The LD6 output of the FPGA makes
available after it is synchronized and debounced so that you can use it
in the
rest of your circuit (it is also connected to LD6 for easy viewing).
- Use HyperTerminal
to view your serial output. Instructions for how to setup HyperTerminal
are below. The most important step is to make sure the baud rate is set
to 9600 with 8 data-bits, 1 stop-bit, no parity check and no flow
control. To connect the serial cable from the PC to the connector on
the XLA5 board you will need to add a "null modem" and a "gender
changer" between the XLA5 connector and the end of the cable. Make sure
to do this. Otherwise, you will not receive characters on to your
board. Make sure to keep the null modem and gender changer with your
kit, that is, remember to remove them when you unplug your XLA5 board.
- When trying to
debug, verify the operation of your circuit a piece at a time. Compare
against your simulation waveforms as you single step.
You may notice that many letters are sent while a key is pressed
because of the speed at which the system is running. For 20% extra
credit modify your project so that when a key is pressed your project
will only send the ASCII character once. Basically you need to
implement a system to determine when a person releases the pressed key.
Keep in mind if a key is misread by your KeyPad_Decoder this will cause
nothing to be sent. To complete the extra credit every key press must
send its ASCII byte only once. You don't need to worry about the case
when multiple keys are pressed. You may use anything in your kit to
solve the problem and you may get duplicate parts like PALs from the
course staff. Your final solution must fit on your single breadboard.
An additional 10% of extra credit will be given for solutions
that are done with no additional hardware (wires do not count as
- Demonstrate your
working circuit to a TA on or before March 10. Please hand in your
written materials at the March 10 lecture.
- When the “received” value of the keypad_decode module is set
high, it represents a commitment to the SerialEncoder that
keypad_decode will not change the value on its ASCII pins until
“receive” is set to low. The only way receive can go low is for the
“TXDfinish” to go high letting the keypad_decode module know that it is
okay for it to lower “received” and change its value on the ASCII pins.
Note that the important part is that the output should not change until
received is set to low. This means that the ASCII values should change
ONLY when “received” is low.
- The entire circuit is connected to a single Reset button
making it possible to bring the entire circuit (including the FPGA)
into a known state on the same clock cycle.
- If
you're having trouble making you program fit on the PAL, remember that,
on every clock cycle, a register/output must be evaluated to a 0 or 1
value. If you don't assign a value, the software may have to come up
with a complicated formula to keep values the same.
- We highly recommend that you make an error state so that it is
easy to prevent incorrect values from being transmitted over the
serial. You will loose points if characters that are not present on the
keyboard are transmitted. Common causes of error:
a. Buttons sometimes have bounce
giving inconsistent values when they are first pressed
b. Multiple keys being pressed
- The
output pins in your PAL are not exactly the same; the following table
lists the
number of possible equations that can be ‘or’ together.
Number of ‘or’
The screen shot below
shows how
to configure HyperTerminal.
When you run HyperTerm you should see "9600 8-N-1"
at the bottom of the window, as shown in the red circle in the figure.
Creating a wiring file for your PAL
To create a wiring file for your PAL you need to create your own CTL
Refer back to laboratory assignment 6
for an
example on proper syntax. Essentially you are creating an attribute by
concatenating the various wiring assignments ending the attribute with
semicolon. One important thing to note is that the following 4 items
have the exact same name or your control file might not work.
- The Verilog File (extension .v)
- The Verilog Module
- The Control File (extension .CTL)
- In the attribute declaration line in the CTL
file (e.g attribute pin_numbers of [verilog module]:module is)
Review of PAL Programming Method
Place the PAL into the programmer as close to the lever as possible
the in figure below where your PAL fits into the red box.)
NOTE the location of PIN 1. This means the notch on top of
the PAL
must be place opposite from the lever.
Programming Steps
- Erase the PAL
- Program the PAL
If ANY of these steps fail try your other PAL. Contact the
staff to help you deal with failures in these steps.
Please be careful with the programmers. Take the time to ensure that
you are
putting the chip in correctly and that you are following the steps
Refer back to the tutorial for