CSE 344: Syllabus

Catalog Description

Introduces database management systems and writing applications that use such systems; data models (e.g., relational, semi-structured), query languages (e.g., SQL, XQuery), language bindings, conceptual modeling, transactions, security, database tuning, data warehousing, parallelism, and web-data management.

Prerequisite: CSE 311

Lecture and Section

Lecture is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30am in MGH 389, except on university holidays listed on the calendar. Lecture recordings will be made available to all registered students via Panopto.

Sections are on Thursdays at the times listed on the time schedule and on the homepage. Sections give you time to practice solving problems similar to what will be on the homework, and they may give specific practical help with how to get started on the homework. Sections are not recorded, but we will post materials used in class.


The optional textbook for the course is:

  • Garcia-Molina et al. Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2nd edition. Errata.

The text is truly optional. We will point out which parts of the book are relevant to which lectures. Some students find the book useful. Many find they do perfectly well without it.


There will be approximately 8 weekly homeworks, consisting of written work and programming problems.


More information about the exams is available on the exam page.

There will be a midterm in class on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 from 9:30am to 10:20am.

The final exam is scheduled by the university and will be on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 8:30am to 10:20am in our usual room, MGH 389.

If you have a conflict with either exam, please get in touch as soon as possible to discuss options, which are very limited.


Course grades will be computed according to the following percentages:

  • Homework: 50%
  • Midterm: 20%
  • Final exam: 30%

Late Policy

You have a total of 4 late-day tokens, each of which grants you the right to turn in one assignment 24 hours late with no penalty. You may use at most one token per assignment.

Each assignment has a 15 minute grace period. After 15 minutes have elapsed past the deadline, submitting your assignment spends 1 late day token.

The purpose of the late-day tokens is to deal with unexpected situations. You should never plan in advance to use a late-day token, as you might need it for something unforeseen in the future. We do not typically grant additional extensions beyond the late-day tokens.

Collaboration Policy and Academic Integrity

You are encouraged to form study groups and discuss the course material with other students in the course. However, all homework should be completed individually.

Never share your written or code solutions with anyone. Never upload a copy of your solutions anywhere that anyone else can access.

You may consult outside resources (Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, etc.) for general questions about course concepts. However, do not search specifically for solutions to homework problems we pose to you.

You may use AI models (Copilot, ChatGPT, etc.) for general help with the course material. However, you must not ask an AI model to produce a solution to a homework problem we pose to you. AI assistants should be disabled in your IDE when working on CSE 344 homework.

Violations of these policies will be considered academic misconduct and reported to the university office of Community Standards and Student Conduct (CSSC). If found responsible, you will receive no credit on the assignment and a record of your misconduct will be kept by CSSC. Flagrant and repeated misconduct can lead to disciplinary sanctions including permanent dismissal from the university.

Disability and Religious Accommodations

Please refer to university policies regarding disability accommodations and religious accommodations.