CSE 344: Introduction to Data Management

Course Overview

We will study data management through the lens of relational databases.

Topics include:

  • The relational model
  • SQL
  • Data analysis
  • Database-backed applications
  • Concurrent users and transactions
  • Handling data problems too big for a laptop

The field of data management is an excellent example of how good theory can help us build good systems. We will emphasize the connections between theory and practice.

You will have three main kinds of homework:

  • Theoretical exercises reasoning about data in math (using set theory from CSE 311)
  • Writing SQL programs to solve various data management tasks
  • Writing Java programs:
    • "Straw programs" that solve a data management problem without a database
    • Database-backed programs that solve a data management problem with a database

We will use the following open-source database management systems: SQLite, Postgres, and DuckDB.

The calendar page contains a detailed topic list, as well as assignments and due dates.

For more information, please read the syllabus


In addition to in-person discussion, students and staff will communicate through the following means:

  • Course Mailing List: Used by the instructors to email the class with important announcements. (All students are auto-subscribed, but be sure to check your @uw email for these messages.)
  • Message Board: The preferred way to ask questions about course content and homework assignments. We will aim to respond promptly to all questions during normal, working hours.
  • Staff Mailing List (cse344-staff@cs.washington.edu): Used for private matters not suitable for the message board.
  • Anonymous Feedback: You can send feedback anonymously to the instructors via this tool.

Weekly Schedule

We have lectures Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, quiz sections on Thursday, and office hours spread throughout the week. The following table shows their times and locations.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:30–10:20 Lecture
MGH 389
10:30–11:30 OH (Rohini)
Allen 2nd Floor Breakout
13:00–14:00 OH (Cindy)
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
14:30–15:30 OH (Chris)
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
15:30–16:20 OH (James)
CSE 440
09:30–10:20 Lecture
MGH 389
15:00–16:00 OH (Jihan)
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
16:00–17:00 OH (Aparna)
Allen 5th Floor Breakout
17:00–18:00 OH (Amal)
Allen 3rd Floor Breakout
08:30–13:20 Quiz Sections
see table below
14:30–15:30 OH (Sumedh)
Gates 150
09:30–10:20 Lecture
MGH 389
13:30–14:30 OH (Lydia)
Allen 5th Floor Breakout

The regular weekly schedule has the following exceptions:

  • There are no office hours during the first week or finals week, unless a staff member announces otherwise on the message board.
  • There are no activities on holidays listed on the course calendar.
  • Occasional office hours may be cancelled for various reasons. When this happens, the staff member holding those hours will announce that on the message board.

Section Meetings

Section Time Building Room TAs
AA 08:30 ECE 025 Amal & Sumedh
AB 09:30 ECE 025 Amal & Cindy
AC 10:30 JHN 022 Christopher & Lydia
AD 11:30 ECE 003 Aparna & Lydia
AE 12:30 SAV 132 Jihan & Rohini