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Superclass: wx:object%

A wx:style-delta% object encapsulates a style change. The changes expressible by a delta include:

The set-delta method is convenient for most style delta settings; it takes a high-level delta specification and sets the internal delta information.

To take full advantage of a style delta, it is necessary to understand the internal on/off settings that can be manipulated through methods such as set-weight-on. For example, the font weight change is specified through the weight-on and weight-off internal settings. Roughly, weight-on turns on a weight setting when it is not present and weight-off turns off a weight setting when it is present. These two interact precisely in the following way:

Font styles, underlining, and alignment work in an analogous manner.

The possible values for alignment-on and alignment-off are:

The possible values for style-on and style-off are:

The possible values for underlined-on and underlined-off are:

The possible values for trasnparent-text-backing-on and trasnparent-text-backing-off are:

The possible values for weight-on and weight-off are:

The family and face settings in a style delta are not independent. If both are set within a style delta, the face setting overrides the family setting. However, if a style delta with a family setting and no face setting is applied to a style with a face setting, then the delta application overrides the face setting in the base style.

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