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Up: wx:style-delta
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Configures the delta with high-level specifications.
The return value is the delta itself.
Except for wx:const-change-nothing and
wx:const-change-normal, the command only changes part of the
delta. Thus, applying wx:const-hange-bold and then
wx:const-change-italic sets the delta for both the style and
weight change.
- (send a-wx:style-delta set-delta change-command) -> wx:style-delta% object
change-command : small integer
The change-command argument specifies how the delta is changed;
the possible values are:
- wx:const-change-nothing -- reset all changes
- wx:const-change-normal -- turn off all styles and resizings
- wx:const-change-toggle-underline -- underline regions that are currently not underlined, and vice-versa
- wx:const-change-normal-colour -- change the foreground and background to black and white, respectively
- wx:const-change-italic -- change the style of the font to italic
- wx:const-change-bold -- change the weight of the font to bold
- (send a-wx:style-delta set-delta change-command param) -> wx:style-delta% object
change-command : small integer
param : small integer
The change-command argument specifies how the delta is changed;
the possible values are:
- wx:const-change-family -- change the font family (param is a family; see
wx:font%); see also
- wx:const-change-style -- change the style of the font (param is a style; see
- wx:const-change-toggle-style -- toggle the style of the font (param is a style; see
- wx:const-change-weight -- change the weight of the font (param is a weight; see
- wx:const-change-toggle-weight -- toggle the weight of the font (param is a weight; see
- wx:const-change-size -- change the size to an absolute value (param is a size)
- wx:const-change-alignment -- change the alignment(param is an alignment; see
- wx:const-change-bigger -- make the text larger (param is an additive amount)
- wx:const-change-smaller -- make the text smaller (param is an additive amount)
- (send a-wx:style-delta set-delta change-command underlined?) -> wx:style-delta% object
change-command : small integer
underlined? : boolean
There is only one possible value for change-command:
- wx:const-change-underline -- set the underline status to either underlined or plain
Next: set-delta-background
Up: wx:style-delta
Previous: set-alignment-on