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Core Toolbox

The core toolbox supports basic user-level elements such as windows, menus, and buttons, as well as programmer-level objects such as pens, bitmaps, and communication channels.

All of the core toolbox classes and procedures are contained in the wx@ signed unit, which is pre-defined in MrEd. It includes all of the classes, constants, and procedures defined in this manual that start with wx:, plus the wx@ unit itself. The pre-defined wx^ signature is the output signature of wx@.

The basic classes for user-level graphical elements are:

The wx: window classes should rarely be instantiated directly; instances of these classes do not have automatic managmennt for their graphical size and location. Instead, for automatic geometry managment, create instances of the corresponding mred: classes (see Geometry Management Toolbox).

Most other classes in the core toolbox are for drawing. The destination of drawing commands is always a device context, or DC, and instance of wx:dc%. Different kinds of DCs are used for different kinds of drawing:

Tools used for drawing include wx:pen% objects for drawing lines, wx:brush% objects for filling shapes, and wx:bitmap% objects for storing bitmaps.

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