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Superclass: wx:object%

A pen is a drawing tool for drawing lines and outlines; i.e., for drawing lines and painting the outline of rectangles, ellipses, etc. It has a colour, a width and a style. On a monochrome display, the all non-white pens are drawn as black.

The possible pen styles are:

Instead of using one of these styles, an arbitrary stipple bitmap can be specified.

To avoid creating multiple pens with the same characteristics, use the global wx:pen-list% object wx:the-pen-list.

A pen of size 0 uses the minimum visible size for the distination. In [unscaled] screens and bitmaps, this behaves the same as a pen of size 1. In a wx:post-script-dc%, a pen of size 0 typically draws a line thinner than 1.

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