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Media Toolbox

The core toolbox provides the standard user interface tools that are common to every GUI toolbox: windows, buttons, menus, simple text items, canvases, etc. Large graphics-based systems inevitably need to build custom, higher-level graphical objects from these tools. Two types of custom objects are particulary common:

  1. A sophisticated text editor. The simple text item provided by every standard toolbox is inadequate for text-intesive applications. Custom editors must often handle multiple fonts or other non-text items.
  2. A canvas with dragable objects. Every standard toolbox provides generic drawing surface for plotting lines and boxes, but many applications need an interactive canvas, where the user can drag and resize individual objects.

The media classes provides this common functionality by extending the core toolbox with an editor class and a pasteboard class. These two high-level classes share an extensible implementation of editable sub-objects, and they are mutually nestable.

The media toolbox is contained in the wx@ signed unit, which is described in Core Toolbox.