Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Package java.text

Interface Summary
AttributedCharacterIterator An AttributedCharacterIterator allows iteration through both text and related attribute information.
CharacterIterator This interface defines a protocol for bidirectional iteration over text.

Class Summary
Annotation An Annotation object is used as a wrapper for a text attribute value if The text range that the attribute is applied to is critical to the semantics of the range.
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute Defines attribute keys that are used to identify text attributes.
AttributedString An AttributedString holds text and related attribute information.
BreakIterator The BreakIterator class implements methods for finding the location of boundaries in text.
ChoiceFormat A ChoiceFormat allows you to attach a format to a range of numbers.
CollationElementIterator The CollationElementIterator class is used as an iterator to walk through each character of an international string.
CollationKey A CollationKey represents a String under the rules of a specific Collator object.
Collator The Collator class performs locale-sensitive String comparison.
DateFormat DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and parses dates or time in a language-independent manner.
DateFormatSymbols DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data.
DecimalFormat DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat for formatting decimal numbers.
DecimalFormatSymbols This class represents the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers.
FieldPosition FieldPosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to identify fields in formatted output.
Format Format is an abstract base class for formatting locale-sensitive information such as dates, messages, and numbers.
MessageFormat MessageFormat provides a means to produce concatenated messages in language-neutral way.
NumberFormat NumberFormat is the abstract base class for all number formats.
ParsePosition ParsePosition is a simple class used by Format and its subclasses to keep track of the current position during parsing.
RuleBasedCollator The RuleBasedCollator class is a concrete subclass of Collator that provides a simple, data-driven, table collator.
SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner.
StringCharacterIterator StringCharacterIterator implements the CharacterIterater protocol for a String.

Exception Summary
ParseException Signals that an error has been has been reached unexpectedly while parsing.

Package java.text Description

Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages. This means your main application or applet can be written to be language-independent, and it can rely upon separate, dynamically-linked localized resources. This allows the flexibility of adding localizations for new localizations at any time.

These classes are capable of formatting dates, numbers, and messages, parsing; searching and sorting strings; and iterating over characters, words, sentences, and line breaks. This package contains three main groups of classes and interfaces:

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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