Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Interface java.beans.Visibility

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanContext, BeanContextServices

public abstract interface Visibility
Under some circumstances a bean may be run on servers where a GUI is not available. This interface can be used to query a bean to determine whether it absolutely needs a gui, and to advise the bean whether a GUI is available.

This interface is for expert developers, and is not needed for normal simple beans. To avoid confusing end-users we avoid using getXXX setXXX design patterns for these methods.

Method Summary
 boolean avoidingGui()
 void dontUseGui()
          This method instructs the bean that it should not use the Gui.
 boolean needsGui()
 void okToUseGui()
          This method instructs the bean that it is OK to use the Gui.

Method Detail


public boolean needsGui()
True if the bean absolutely needs a GUI available in order to get its work done.


public void dontUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it should not use the Gui.


public void okToUseGui()
This method instructs the bean that it is OK to use the Gui.


public boolean avoidingGui()
true if the bean is currently avoiding use of the Gui. e.g. due to a call on dontUseGui().

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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