The final exam will be on Monday June 3rd from 12:30pm-2:20pm in BAG 131 and 154.
You must bring a photo ID with you to the exam.
If you are unable to make that time due to a pre-existing scheduling conflict, you must fill out this form by Saturday May 25th.
If you are sick the day of the exam, or need to isolate due to a possible COVID exposure do not come to the exam. Send Robbie an email (before the exam begins) so we know why you're not there, and we will schedule makeup exams as needed.
You are responsible for all lecture content. That includes the "applications" lectures, though we don't expect you to recall the exact details of the applications (just the principles behind them).
You are also responsible for content on sections and homeworks, except that we will not ask you about the programming projects.
The exam is cumulative (content from the entire quarter) but will be focused on material that wasn't covered on the midterm, and material that tends to show up in future courses.
Old exams are provided below as study tools. We strongly recommend taking the 23sp exam under exam conditions.
Extra section problems are an excellent source of practice; be sure to do the problem without looking at the solution first, don't just read the solutions (it's much easier to recognize a correct explanation than to generate one yourself!).
We strongly recommend looking at homework solutions (extras are available in Robbie's office) as modifications of homework problems are a common source of exam problems.
Here is the 23sp final exam and its solutions
In 21sp, there was a takehome final exam (here are its solutions). You should think of these as extra practice problems, rather than equivalent to a timed in-class exam.
New! Here is an old practice final and solutions. These were written by a different 312 instructor, so topic coverage, length, emphasis, etc. may be different.
New! Here is a very old practice final (no solutions :( ). These were written by a different 312 instructor, so topic coverage, length, empahsis, etc. may be different.
One of the classes has to be able to give you a conflict exam; we'll offer you at least one slot you can make for the 312 exam. Be sure to fill out the request form by the deadline.
University policy is that you are expected to take as many exams in a day as you're scheduled for, so a conflict exam is not guaranteed. But we realize it can be difficult to make consecutive exams. If you have consecutive exams and are worried about taking them as scheduled, you can fill out the form to request a conflict. Once we see the number of students in this situation, we will decide on whether/how we can offer alternatives. If you would like to request an alternative, make sure to fill out the form by the deadline.
We will not offer early exams for students hoping to leave for internships (as we stated on the syllabus). As the final exam was scheduled at the beginning of the quarter, and is during normally scheduled class hours (not in the evening), we generally expect job conflicts to be rare; we will attempt to accommodate job conflicts, but exams will need to be in-person, at a time scheduled by the course staff. If you wish to request an alternate exam time, be sure to fill out the form by the deadline.
We will handle these on a case-by-case basis. Please fill out the form by the deadline.
We will accommodate those needs separately (the form will be closed by the time you realize you're in this situation). Send Robbie an email before the exam starts if this applies to you, and we will schedule a makeup exam for you.