This page contains information about the structure of this class, including what tools we're using and the procedures regarding homework, concept checks, etc...
Homework: Homework is made up of Problem Sets (Psets) that can be found on the calendar as they come out. Each Pset has a written portion and most likely a Python coding portion as well. Both will be submitted on Gradescope, with the written portion being submitted as a pdf and the coding portion as a .py file. For the former, we reccommend typsetting in LaTeX, but it is optional. For each Pset we will provide a template for you to type your LaTeX answers. If you hand-write, make sure to scan it clearly and your handwriting is legible. Illegible handwriting will not recieve credit.
There will be a total of 9-10 Psets this quarter. Unless otherwise stated, they will be due every Wednesday at 11:59pm PST. Everybody will have 6 late days they can use, with a maximum of three late days to be used on a single PSet. There is no process to using late days other than submitting your homework late (we will keep track of late days used). Additionally, your lowest homework grade will be dropped.
Gradescope: See this pdf by Gradescope for detailed instructions on how to submit PDFs and scan handwritten documents. Make sure to label pages on Gradescope as not doing so will result in a penalty.
Lectures: Lectures will be synchronous this quarter, meaning that content will be taught in lecture, live. However, there will also be recordings available if you can't make it to lecture for whatever reason. You can find the link to lecture under the Zoom tab in Canvas. Annotated slides will be released after lecture.
Concept Checks: After every lecture, a concept check will become available on Gradescope (linked in the calendar). These will be small "quizzes" meant to check your basic understanding of the material and keep you on track. They will be due 30 minutes before the next lecture. E.g., after lecture on September 30th, a concept check will go live that is due October 2nd, 9:00am PST. We will be dropping the 3 lowest concept check grades from your final grade.
Discussion Board: We will be using Edstem for our discussion board this quarter. Occasionally we may also link to lessons on Edstem for homework, sections or workshops. The discussion board will have pre-made threads for every problem on every Pset. If you have a general question or clarification, please post it there as a comment. If it's a more specific question, and/or involves your solution, make a new, private, post. See this quick start guide by Edstem for tips and tricks to using the discussion board.
Sections: Sections will consist of content review and working through problems on the worksheet from that week. Sometimes, there may also be new content presented in section. Links to the Zoom meetings can also be found at the Zoom tab in Canvas. All sections will be recorded.
Tuesday Workshops: Some Tuesdays, we will have an entirely optional "workshop". This will be an hour that will include some brief content review and then additional time to ask questions beyond office hours. Often, these will be specialized to relevant topics of that week, for instance Python or LaTeX.
Office Hours: TAs and Anna will host office hours throughout the week. More information about how to join them and the schedule can be found at Course Staff (Office Hours).
Videos from Summer 2020: These videos were made by Alex Tsun for CSE 312 20su. They are available as an additional resource that you might find useful.