Final Exam
The final will happen in-person from 2:30-4:20 on Monday March 14. Most of you will take the exam in Smith 120, but some will be in a smaller, more-distanced room.
But what happens if...
- I need to isolate on the day of the exam? Let us know as soon as you can; we'll schedule you for a conflict exam or find some other way for you to take the exam safely. We will not ask you for proof that you need to isolate.
- I'm sick? We'll schedule you for the conflict if you'll be well enough (and able to be in a room with others) by then. Otherwise we'll find some other way for you to take the exam safely when you're ready to work. If you aren't well enough to take an exam by the time grades need to be submitted, we can give an incomplete and finish the quarter when you're ready to work (this is the same thing we'd do pre-pandemic for significant illnesses).
The Exam Itself
In-Exam Resources
- The exam is closed-book and individual.
- We will allow each student one 8.5x11inch-sheet (both-sides) of hand-written notes during the exam.
- We may remind you of some key definitions, but only when they aren't the main point of the problem
- For example, we won't remind you what irregular means when asking you to prove a set is irregular, or what the definition of a subset is when we ask you to prove that one set is a subset of another (those are the point of the probem!), but we might remind you of the definition of mod so you remember whether it's n|b-a or n|a-b.
- If you
What could be covered?
- Everything from the slide deck for lecture 1 through the slide deck for lecture 25 (Friday of week 9) can show up in any way on the exam.
- There will be one problem that gives you the option of proving a language irregular (lecture 26) or proving a set is uncountable (lecture 27). It will be your choice which to do.
- We will not directly test you on the content only in the deck for lecture 28.
Where will the emphasis be?
- We will focus on writing problems for aspects of the course that are critical for future classes, and problems post-midterm
- You can expect some training wheels questions (e.g., translation, quantifiers, taking contrapositives, etc.)
- There will be two induction proofs
- Proofs will all be English proofs; we won't ask you to write an inference proof or a proof that just applies equivalences from the big chart.
Study materials
How should we study?
- Take the old 311 final under exam conditions (e.g., timed, not googling or asking others for help) so you get more practice trying to write proofs in a time-constrained way.
- Look back at old homework problems and solutions.
- Look back at old section problems.
- Think carefully about what you want on your note-sheet. With a limited time, you'll want to be able to find what you're looknig for quickly, not simply list every fact.