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CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Spring 2009

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Our recommended textbooks for CSE 303 this quarter are the following:

Linux Pocket Guide
Barrett, Daniel J.
Linux Pocket Guide.
O'Reilly, 2004.
Programming in C
Kochan, Stephen G.
Programming in C, Third Edition.
Developer's Library / SAMS, 2004.
ISBN 0672326663.
C++ for Java Programmers
Weiss, Mark A.
C++ for Java Programmers.
Prentice Hall, 2003.
ISBN 013919424

Students can purchase the first two textbooks from the UW Bookstore, which is our recommended place to purchase them. The other two books can also be ordered online from various online retailers such as Amazon.

No homework or mandatory readings will be assigned directly from the textbooks, but they make a useful supplement to the lecture presentations. Also, exams in this course will be open-book, so it may be advantageous to own the books for use as a reference during exams.

Other useful (classic) references on C/C++:

The C Programming Language
Kernighan, Brian W.; Ritchie, Dennis M.
The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition.
Prentice Hall, 1988.
ISBN 0131103628
The C++ Programming Language
Stroustrup, Bjarne.
The C++ Programming Language, 3nd Edition.
Addison Wesley, 2000.
ISBN 0201700735
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