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CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Spring 2009

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icon Turn in HW7 here. Homework 7: Date/Birthday (C++; object-oriented programming)

Due Sat June 6, 11:30pm.
No submissions accepted after Sun June 7, 11:30pm.
An INDIVIDUAL project, not done in groups.

Provided Files:
Expected Output
(also available on attu in
~stepp/hw7/tests/ ):
Sample Solution: You can ssh to attu and run ~stepp/hw7/birthday to run our solution to this program (or ~stepp/hw7/birthdayx to test extra-credit features). This will help you compare your program's behavior against the expected behavior. (We do not guarantee that our solution is perfect. When in doubt, follow the spec.)

icon Turn in HW6 here. Homework 6: Mallocater (memory management; bitwise ops; svn)

SVN repo due Mon May 25, 9:00am.
Code due Mon June 1, 9:00am.
No submissions accepted after Tue June 2, 9:00am.
Please turn in only one submission per group.

Provided Files:
Sample Solution: You can ssh to attu and run ~stepp/hw6/martytest to run our solution to this program. This will help you compare your program's behavior against the expected behavior. (We do not guarantee that our solution is perfect. When in doubt, follow the spec.)

icon Turn in HW5 here. Homework 5: T9 (data structures; memory; strings; multi-file programs)

Due Mon May 18, 9:00am.
No submissions accepted after Tue May 19, 9:00am.
Please turn in ONLY ONE SUBMISSION per group.

Provided Files:
Expected Output:
Sample Solution: You can ssh to attu and run ~stepp/hw5/t9 to run our solution to this program. This will help you compare your program's behavior against the expected behavior. (We do not guarantee that our solution is perfect. When in doubt, follow the spec.)

icon Turn in HW4 here. Homework 4: I Choo-Choo-Choose You (memory management; data structures)

Due Sat May 2, 11:30pm.
No submissions accepted after Sun May 3, 11:30pm.

Input and Output Files:

icon Turn in HW3 here. Homework 3: Top 100 Web Sites / Digits (regexes; C)

Due Fri Apr 24, 11:30pm.
No submissions accepted after Sat Apr 25, 11:30pm.

Part 1 Output:
Part 1 Other Files:
  • icon urls.txt (list of URLs in the 100bestwebsites page; your program doesn't output this, but useful for reference)
  • icon top100test.html (once you're nearly done, point your script at this URL for trickier testing)
Part 2 Input:
  • icon enrollment.txt (input file of enrollment at various major universities)
  • icon books.txt (input file of counts of overdue library books)
  • icon livejournal.txt (input file of counts of LiveJournal postings by user)
  • icon empty.txt (empty input file containing only the ending -1)
Part 2 Output:

icon Turn in HW2 here. Homework 2: Retro Grade-It (bash shell scripting)

Due Fri Apr 17, 11:30pm.
No submissions accepted after Sat Apr 18, 11:30pm.

Required Files:
  • icon students.tar.gz (a bunch of fake students' homework submissions)
  • icon testfiles.tar.gz (testing files to use with each student's program)
  • icon expected.txt (expected file for your grading script to compare students' output against)
    • NOTE: Part of the program's behavior is to list the contents of the /var directory. The expected output here uses the contents of the /var directory on attu. If you test on your own computer, you may want to edit this file and put the contents of your own /var directory at the top of it.
Expected Output:

icon Turn in HW1 here. Homework 1: The Bourne Identity (Using bash Shell)

Due Thu Apr 9, 11:30pm.
No submissions accepted after Fri Apr 10, 11:30pm.

Testing Files:
Expected Output:
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