pic name email * IM ** phone office hours
staff icon Marty Stepp stepp AIM UW CSE 190 M (206) 685-2181 CSE 636
Mon 1:30pm - 2:30pm,
Tue 2:00pm - 3:30pm,
or when office door is open, or by appointment
section lab pic name email * IM ** faves
MA MM Photo of Tanner Means Tanner Means
aka sin()/cos() –ner
meanst15 Gtalk meanst123 ,
Facebook tannermeans
Fave HTML tag:
<sup> — 'cuz it's the best way to say hey!
MB MN Photo of Eli White Eli White ewhite12 AIM thesaviorgrd ,
Facebook EliWhite1
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&thorn; (þ)
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MC MT Photo of Trent Walkiewicz Trent Walkiewicz trentw Facebook Facebook
MD MM Photo of Eric Wu Eric Wu ericwu Facebook Facebook Fave website:
ME MO Photo of Emma Lynch Emma Lynch eclynch Facebook Facebook
MF MQ Photo of Rishi Goutam Rishi Goutam rishi Gtalk sage729 ,
Facebook rishigoutam
Fave HTML character entity:
&dagger; (†) — stabby stabby
MG MS Photo of Erik Nelson Erik Nelson ehn3 Facebook erikhn Fave HTML character entity:
&amp; — recursive encodings ftw
Fave website: The Awesomer
MH MP Photo of Justin Harding Justin Harding jharding Facebook justin.d.harding
MI MO Photo of Steve Geluso Steve “Mobile Riddlesman
Moon Mayor
Gesteppe” Geluso
geluso Gtalk stevegeluso ,
Facebook moonmayor
Fave websites:,
MJ MR Photo of Morgan Doocy Morgan Doocy
aka Morganic
aka MoGRan, Devourer of Souls!!
mdoocy Facebook morganiq Fave HTML character entity:
&rarr; (→) — 'cuz it sounds like a Pointer
MK MR Photo of Jared Jones Jared Jones jonesje Facebook Facebook Fave website:
ML MT Photo of Anirudh Srinivas Anirudh Srinivas anirudhs Facebook Facebook
MV MQ Photo of Craig Kochis Craig Kochis ckochis Facebook ckochis Fave HTML tag:
<marquee>, e.g. Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
MW MS Photo of Alex Miller Alex Miller
aka El Duderino
amiller Fave HTML character entity:
&clubs; (♣)
textbook co-authors:
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staff icon Jessica Miller jessica Kayak;
staff icon Victoria Kirst vkirst TasteSpotting
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