instructor: | |||||
pic | name | email * | IM ** | phone | office hours |
Marty Stepp | stepp | UW CSE 190 M | (206) 685-2181 |
CSE 636 Mon 1:30pm - 2:30pm, Tue 2:00pm - 3:30pm, or when office door is open, or by appointment |
TAs: | ||||||
section | lab | pic | name | email * | IM ** | faves |
MA | MM |
Tanner Means aka sin()/cos() –ner |
meanst15 |
, tannermeans |
Fave HTML tag:<sup> — 'cuz it's the best way to say hey!
MB | MN | Eli White | ewhite12 |
, EliWhite1 |
Fave HTML character entity:þ (þ)Fave usage: :þ |
MC | MT | Trent Walkiewicz | trentw | |||
MD | MM | Eric Wu | ericwu |
Fave website: |
ME | MO | Emma Lynch | eclynch | |||
MF | MQ | Rishi Goutam | rishi |
, rishigoutam |
Fave HTML character entity:† (†) — stabby stabby
MG | MS | Erik Nelson | ehn3 | erikhn |
Fave HTML character entity:& — recursive encodings ftwFave website: The Awesomer |
MH | MP | Justin Harding | jharding | justin.d.harding | ||
MI | MO |
Steve “Mobile Riddlesman Moon Mayor Gesteppe” Geluso |
geluso |
, moonmayor |
Fave websites:, |
MJ | MR |
Morgan Doocy aka Morganic aka MoGRan, Devourer of Souls!! |
mdoocy | morganiq |
Fave HTML character entity:→ (→) — 'cuz it sounds like a Pointer
MK | MR | Jared Jones | jonesje |
Fave website: YouTube |
ML | MT | Anirudh Srinivas | anirudhs | |||
MV | MQ | Craig Kochis | ckochis | ckochis |
Fave HTML tag: <marquee> , e.g.
MW | MS |
Alex Miller aka El Duderino |
amiller |
Fave HTML character entity:♣ (♣)
textbook co-authors: | ||||||
pic | name | email * | fave web site | |||
Jessica Miller | jessica | Kayak; | ||||
Victoria Kirst | vkirst | TasteSpotting |