Flash Homework

If you want to compile and run Flash applications on your own computer, follow our Flash/Flex Installation Instructions.

icon Turn-in Flash HW3 here. Flash Homework 3 (Game)

Due Monday, May 23

Spec: Specification
  • +1 point extra credit

icon Turn-in Flash HW2 here. Flash Homework 2 (Gravity Simulation)

Due Friday, April 29th May 3rd, 11:30pm (see below).

Spec: Specification
  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Friday, April 29th 11:30pm, we will give you one "early day" to be used on other 190 M assignments.
Expected Output:

icon Turn-in Flash HW1 here. Flash Homework 1 (Art)

"Due" Sunday, April 17, 11:30pm (see below).


Write an ActionScript program Art.as which draws an artistic masterpiece using the Graphics object. Your masterpiece must adhere to the following criteria:

It must have at least:

  1. 10 distinct shapes.
  2. One call to the Graphic object's drawRect, drawCircle, moveTo and lineTo.
  3. One bordered shape and one non-bordered shape.
  4. Two parameterized functions.

You can set up your computer to compile/run Flash programs as described in our Flash installation instructions. You can test your program by compiling it into a .swf program and double-clicking that .swf file on your machine to run it.

  • If you turn in a (correct) solution by Sunday, April 17 11:30pm, we will give you one "early day" to be used on other 190 M assignments.
Expected Output:
  • No expected output. Trust your imagination!
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