Remember to stay on top of the lecture readings! See syllabus for more info!
Note: unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59pm. If you have trouble submitting an assignment and the deadline is approaching, you should email all the files to Hunter BEFORE the deadline so we have your submission on record. Submissions after the late cutoff may not be accepted even if there were technical difficulties turning in the assignment if you did not email us your solution before the cutoff.
Homework 6 - Processing Image Data [40 points]
Homework 6 is due on Thursday, March 5 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Homework 5 - Processing Geospatial Data [40 points]
Homework 5 is due on Thursday, Feb 27 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Homework 4 - Python Classes and Search Engines [40 points]
Homework 4 is due on Thursday, Feb 6 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Homework 3 - Data Analysis [40 points]
Homework 3 is due on Thursday, January 30 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Homework 2 - Processing CSV Data [40 points]
Homework 2 is due on Thursday, January 23 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Homework 1 - Python Crash Course [40 points]
Homework 1 is due on Thursday, January 16 at 11:59 pm and should be submitted on Ed.
As well as turning in the required files, you need to fill out the Reflection Survey by the due date.
Beginning of Quarter Survey [2 points]
The survey is due on Wednesday, January 8 at 2:00 pm and should be submitted via Google Forms. You must be signed into your UW Google Account to access to form (if you are having trouble with this, check out this page).
You may not use late days on this assignment.
You can find out more about the final project here.
Please make sure you're aware of the following policies: