CSE 163, Winter 2020: Final Project


So far, you have analyzed data from a variety of sources to solve realistic problems from science, engineering, and business. Now it's your turn to choose and analyze a problem. This is good practice for how you will use Python for the remainder of your career. You are highly encouraged to work with a partner or group of two others on this project!

There are four parts to this assignment, due separately.

  • Part 0: Propose Analysis and Dataset
    • Due: Friday, February 21 at 11:59 pm
    • Weight: 10% of Final Project
    • Synopsis: Come up with research questions and commit to using a particular dataset(s).
  • Part 1: Describe Motivation, Methodology, and Work Plan
    • Due: Friday, February 28 at 11:59 pm
    • Weight: 10% of Final Project
    • Synopsis: Describe motivation and any background material, describe the dataset, describe your analysis methodology or the algorithm you will use. This also requires submitting a work plan that outlines how you will work on the project for the remainder of the quarter.
  • Part 2: Perform Analysis and Report Results
    • Due: Friday, March 13 at 11:59 pm
    • Weight: 70% of Final Project
    • Synopsis: Write your final report with your results and submit all the code you wrote.
  • Part 3: Present Results and Give Feedback
    • Due: Video/slides due Thursday, March 19 at 12:00 pm (noon). Reflection due Thursday, March 19 at 11:59 pm.
    • Weight: 10% of Final Project
    • Synopsis: Present your results. Fill out feedback for your group (even if you worked alone).

For some example reports and slides, please refer to our past project gallery.

This project is structured a lot like the project in CSE 160 with some specific requirements changed. You may NOT submit the same project that you used in CSE 160 for this class. You may use the same dataset, but we would expect that you have a much more novel and interesting set of research questions if you use the same dataset as you did in a previous quarter.


We will use Gradescope to submit the various parts of the project since it does a really good job with group projects. We will make Gradescope accounts for everyone and you will receive an email when your account is created. For each part, only one group member should submit on Gradescope. You should use the Group Members functionality to add the appropriate partner(s) if you have them. If you want to learn about how to add Group Members on Gradescope, please see instructions here

Make sure to see the syllabus for information about partners and late days