Classic Soups

These are the soups that you just can't live without. Soups that you see in all the good movies. Soups that have the good ingredients. Soups that you buy at 2:00 AM from the local 70s-themed diner with your friends after a long night out.

Creamy Tomato Soup

tomato soup This is an image of vegan tomato soup from its recipe at theveglife

This is the soup that you make when you want to feel cozy and loved. Tomato soup never gets old; the creamy goodness keeps your warm and sweet. It's a delicious mix of exciting taste and texture that pairs well with grilled cheese and a warm summer evening.

Chicken Noodle Soup

chicken noodle soup This is an image of chicken noodle soup from its recipe at

Chicken Noodle Soup is the reliable friend of the soup community. It's the soup that you drink when you're sick and need a picker-upper. It's the soup that's so easy to make, you could make it with your eyes closed. It's delicious and modular and works well as a soup you can make with anything from root vegetables to salty cheeses.

French Onion Soup

french onion soup This is an image of chicken noodle soup from its recipe at seriouseats

If Chicken Noodle Soup is the reliable friend, then French Onion is the cool guy. French Onion, in my opinion, is probably the soup with the highest taste level given the amount of ingredients that go in the pot. It's a sweet and savory, bitter but sharp adventure that's perfect for all ocassions except for those where you have to talk to other people.