
Please keep in mind that Karan is constantly updating this page. It should accurately describe the past, but it won't always accurately predict the future. Although Karan doesn't often use lecture slides, there are links to slides that have been created by our textbook's coauthor, Marty Stepp. These might prove useful for students who either miss lecture or want an extra opportunity to review the material.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
  • folder 06-20

    lab 1: jGRASP, turn-in, printlns

  • folder 06-22

    section 1: printlns, methods

  • folder 06-27

    lab 2: static methods, expressions, for loops

    HW1 due

  • folder 06-29

    section 2: expressions, for loops, nested loops, class constants

    remember to bring your section homework!

  • folder 07-04

    Holiday for Independence Day (NO SCHOOL)

  • folder 07-06

    section 3: parameters, graphics, returns

  • folder 07-11

    lab 4: returns, Math, Scanner, if/else, cumulative algorithms

    HW3 due

  • folder 07-13

    section 4: Scanner, if/else, cumulative algorithms, String/char

  • folder 07-18

    lab 5: while loops, Random, boolean, assertions, midterm review

    HW4 due

  • folder 07-19

    optional midterm review (may not be recorded)

  • folder 07-20

    section 5: while loops, Random, assertions, midterm review

  • folder 07-21

    Midterm Exam

    In class. Bring your Husky card.
  • folder 07-25

    lab 6: file processing; more boolean/while loops

  • folder 07-27

    section 6: token/line-based file processing, file output

  • folder 08-01

    lab 7: arrays, tallying, reference semantics

  • folder 08-03

    section 7: arrays

  • folder 08-08

    lab 8: classes/objects

    HW7 due

  • folder 08-10

    section 8: inheritance, Critters

  • folder 08-15

    lab 9: more classes/objects; Critters

    HW8 due

  • folder 08-17

    section 9: Final Exam, part A

  • folder 08-18

    Final Exam, part B (in lecture)

    Last day to turn in HW8