University of Washington
Dan Grossman (Section A) |
Alan Borning (Section B) |
djg at cs.washington.edu
borning at cs.washington.edu |
206-616-1124 |
206-543-6678 |
Paul G. Allen Center, room 556
Paul G. Allen Center, room CSE 644
office hours
Tuesdays 9:00-10:50AM |
Mondays 1:30-3:20PM
This is one course with two
instructors. Homework assignments,
due dates, etc. are the same for both sections.
Pim Lustig
Paul G. Allen Center, room
(206) 616-3225
Pim handles many course details, such as registration
issues and switching sections.
This course provides an introduction to computer science
using the Java programming language. CSE 142 is primarily a programming course that focuses on common
computational problem solving techniques. No prior programming experience is assumed, although students should
know the basics of using a computer (e.g., using a web browser and word processing
program) and should be competent with math through Algebra 1. Students with significant prior
programming experience should consider skipping CSE 142 and taking CSE 143 (we
allow this without any special permission).
You need to participate in a weekly discussion section, held
at various times and places on Thursdays (see the course web site for details).
The TA who runs your section will grade your homework assignments. In
section we will answer questions, go over common errors in homework solutions,
and discuss sample problems in more detail than we can in lecture.
Each student will be assigned a section participation score
that is weighted the same as one homework assignment. You will receive 3 points for
each section you participate in, up to a maximum of 20 points.
All resources for the class will be posted here, including handouts, lecture notes, assignments, and important announcements. Check the web site regularly.
Reges/Stepp, Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics
Approach. ISBN 0536240167 (or 0321382838).
Homework assignments will not come directly from the
book. Lectures and sections will
cover the material necessary for the assignments and exams. However, the book was written
specifically for this course. It
has thorough explanations and examples that are directly relevant to the course
material and assignments. We
consider the textbook a required resource.
The department operates an Introductory Programming Lab (IPL) located in room 334 of Mary Gates Hall. TAs and consultants will be available at the lab to help students with problems. The recommended software for the course is the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 6 and the jGRASP editor.
The course web site contains links to download this software free of charge if you want to work at home.
50% weekly
homework assignments (including section participation)
20% midterm (Friday, May 8, 2009, in class)
30% final
exam (Wednesday,
June 10, 2009, time to be announced)
Our exams are open-book and open-notes. You may bring any written materials,
such as textbooks, printed handouts, homework assignments, or programs. No electronic devices may be used,
including calculators.
Make-up exams will not be given except in case of a serious
emergency. If you must miss an
exam, even if you are sick or injured, you must contact the instructor before the exam (or arrange for someone to do so). You must show evidence that you are
physically unable to take the exam, such as a doctor's note specifically
mentioning the CSE 142 midterm, before the exam. No make-ups will be granted for personal reasons such as
travel, employment, or personal hardship. No student will be permitted to take an exam early for any reason.
Homework consists of weekly programming assignments done
individually and submitted electronically from the course web site. Programs will be graded on
"external correctness" (behavior) and "internal
correctness" (style and design). Disputes about homework grading must be made within 2 weeks of receiving
the grade.
Each student receives 5 "late
days" for use on homework assignments. A late day allows you to submit a program up to 24 hours
late without penalty. For example,
you could use 2 late days and submit a program due Tuesday 9pm on Thursday
before 9pm with no penalty. Once a
student has used up all the late days, each successive day that an assignment
is late will result in a loss of 1 point on that assignment. Regardless of how many late days you
have, you may not submit a program more than 4 days
after it is due or after the last day of class. Students will not be given extensions
unless they have extreme extenuating circumstances as decided by the instructor.
Programming assignments must be completed individually;
all code you submit must be your own work. You may discuss general ideas of how to
approach an assignment, but never specific details about the code to
write. Any help you receive from
or provide to classmates should be limited and should never involve details of
how to code a solution. It is
unfair to yourself, your classmates, and the course staff to submit an
assignment that does not reflect your individual work. To ensure a fair course, we vigorously pursue
all cases of academic misconduct.
You must abide by the following:
Under our policy, a
student who gives inappropriate help is as guilty as one who receives it. Instead
of providing such help, refer other students to class resources such as lecture
examples, the textbook, the IPL, or emailing a TA or instructor. You must not share your solution and
ideas with others. You must also
ensure that your work is not copied by others by not leaving it in public
places, emailing it others, posting it on the web, etc.
If you are retaking the course, you may resubmit a previous
solution unless that program was involved in an academic misconduct case.
If misconduct was found, you must write a new version of that program.
We enforce this policy by running similarity-detection
software over all submitted student programs, including programs from past quarters. Violations are pursued aggressively:
It is unpleasant for the course staff and very unpleasant for the students
involved. In some cases, the situation is sent to a
University committee and can lead to marks on permanent academic records.