The following links may be useful to CSE 142 students:
Information about Java:
Java api documentation
Java tutorial
Java language specification
Academic Java, a resource
site put together by Java educators
For your assignments:
facebook application where you can show off your creative
output comparison tool
to check your homework output
indenter tool
to fix your identation
We don't have an official style guide, but these might be helpful:
Guide by former CSE142 TA Ian Gienger
Sun's Java coding conventions
Opportunities to practice:
Practice-It (problems from the book and section)
Links for the textbook:
authors' website (including errata)
Videos to accompany textbook
MyCodeMate site
About computer science:
Why CSE? Videos of students, faculty, alumni
CSE Cool Stuff
Nice site from the University of Colorado on "Why CS?"
UW specific:
Student acm group
Women in computer science
Schedule of
information sessions for those interested in majoring in
to meet with a CS undergraduate advisor
Free Microsoft software
Hacker's Dictionary