CSE 142: Computer Programming I, Autumn 2008 |
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Instructor: Marty Stepp (stepp)
If you have any feedback for Marty about CSE 142, please send him an anonymous message using our end-of-quarter survey. If you're willing to spend a moment to give customer feedback about our textbook, please visit its Amazon.com page.
Thanks for a good quarter, and enjoy your break! -- Marty
(P.S. A student sent an anonymous message saying that our grading scale was unfairly harsh. Since I can't respond to the person directly, I'll give links here to the course syllabus, which stated the course grading rubric (we shifted everyone up around 0.2 points from that rubric, actually) and to the UW Standard Grading System, which closely matches our own rubric.)
If you want to see why you got the exam score you did, see why you lost points, or to ask us to re-check your score, you can pick up your test at the CSE building front desk starting Monday, December 15. On our Exams page we have posted the final exam itself, an answer key, and scans of your extra credit artwork. We also posted the problems on Practice-It. The final exam regrade procedure is also explained in the Exams section. If you disagree with your score, you can verify the grading and submit your exam for a regrade.
FYI, the partition
problem on the final exam is related to a well-known sorting algorithm called quicksort. Learn more about quicksort on Wikipedia or from my old lecture slides.