Final Exam:
final exam |
answer key
student extra credit drawings:
Jordan B,
Stefanie H,
Stephanie S,
Steve G,
Steven W,
all TAs
Sample Exams: (answer keys included)
We strongly suggest that you try to solve all of these problems yourself, on paper, without a computer, and without looking at the answer key until you're done.
- Sample final exams posted here are intended to be very similar to the actual final exam. The number of problems and type of problems on the actual exam will be much like what is seen on these practice exams. Material from Chapters 1-9 is considered "fair game" for questions on the actual final.
- The following topics are guaranteed NOT to be explicitly tested on the final exam:
- DrawingPanel, Graphics
- do/while loops; break statement
- the Java assert statement
- exceptions and
- preconditions and postconditions
- multidimensional arrays
- the
class; implementing an equals
- classes with static fields / methods
- interfaces; abstract classes
- material from Chapter 10 and above
The final exam follows the same regrade policy as the midterm exam (see below). A cover sheet and Practice-It output is required for a final exam regrade. You can slide your final under Marty's office door with the proper cover sheets attached. Regrades will be accepted through the end of the first week of Winter 2009 quarter.
Regrade Policy:
If your exam score was added up incorrectly, take it to your TA and they'll fix it for you.
If you disagree with the grading, such as if you think your solution actually does work, or that your solution is more nearly correct than it was given credit for, the procedure for regrades is the following:
- If your complaint is about the correctness of your solution to a programming question (#6-7), go to our Practice-It! system, which will contain runnable testers for the midterm problems. Type your code into Practice-It, fixing any trivial syntax problems. Run it for yourself and see how nearly correct your solution is.
- If you still think your grade is incorrect, submit your exam to Marty for a regrade. (Either give it to us in lecture, go to our office hours, or slide it under our office doors.) You must include a cover page with a brief written explanation of what specifically you think was misgraded and why. If your complaint is about overly harsh grading on a programming question, you should also submit a printout of your code being run in Practice-It, along with the test case results, to us so that we can to verify its correctness. We will not accept any exam for a regrade unless it includes this cover page, and we will not re-evaluate grading of the correctess of any programming questions without a typed copy of your solution from Practice-It being shown to us first.
- Also note: When you submit an exam for a regrade, we will regrade your entire exam. If we notice anywhere that you were mistakenly given too many points, we will also correct this, up to a maximum penalty of -2 for the entire exam. So it is possible (though unlikely) that a regrade request will result in you receiving a slightly lower mark than what you started with.
- All midterm regrade requests (other than simple score addition errors) must be submitted to Marty by Friday, November 14.
Practice Exams:
- Sample midterm exams posted here are intended to be very similar to the actual midterm. The number of problems and type of problems on the actual exam will be much like what is seen on these practice exams. Material from Chapters 1-5 is considered "fair game" for questions on the actual midterm.
- The following topics are guaranteed NOT to be tested on the midterm in any form:
, Graphics
, Color
loops, break
statement (regular while
loops WILL be tested)
- the Java
statement (not the same as logical assertions, which WILL be tested)
- exceptions
- preconditions and postconditions
- material from Chapter 6 and above (file I/O, etc.)
Rules and Information:
- You must show your UW Student ID card to a TA or the instructor for your submitted exam to be accepted.
- You will have 50 minutes to complete the exam. You may receive a deduction if you keep working after the instructor calls for papers.
- The exam is open-book/notes. You must work alone and may not use any computing devices of any kind including calculators. Cell phones, music players, and other electronic devices may NOT be out during the exam for any reason.
- Unless a question specifically mentions otherwise, your code you write will be graded purely on external correctness (proper behavior and output) and not on internal correctness (style). So, for example, redundancy or lack of comments will not reduce your score.
- You don't need to write any
statements in your exam code.
- On the exam it will be allowed to abbreviate
for System.out.print
and S.o.pln
for System.out.println
. Otherwise do not abbreviate any code on the exam.
- Please be quiet during the exam. If you have a question or need, please raise your hand.
- Corrections or clarifications to the exam will be written at the front of the room.
- If you violate the University Code of Conduct during the exam, you may receive a 0% for the exam and possibly further punishment.
- When you have finished the exam, please turn in your exam quietly and leave the room.
- If you enter the room, you must turn in an exam paper and will not be permitted to leave the room without doing so.