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Marty Stepp Benson Limketkai


stepp at cs.washington.edu bensonl at cs.washington.edu


685-2181 616-1246


CSE 466 CSE 210

office hours

MW 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM,
Tue 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Thu 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM (IPL)
or when office door is open,
or by appointment
Wed 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM,
Wed 3:40 PM - 5:00 PM (IPL),
Thu 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
or by appointment

Teaching Assistants

Orion Buske stasis at cs.washington.edu BM
Anna Cavender cavender at cs.washington.edu BG, BK
Candy Chiang candyc at cs.washington.edu AG
Daniel Davenport hawaiian at cs.washington.edu AH
Ivayla Dermendjieva ivcheto at u.washington.edu AD
Laura Effinger-Dean effinger at cs.washington.edu BI
Lisa Fiedler barendje at cs.washington.edu BA
Brad Goring bgoring at u.washington.edu BF
Andrew Hemmaplardh plardh at cs.washington.edu BE
Sergey Karayev sergeyk at u.washington.edu AI
Victoria Kirst vkirst at cs.washington.edu BD
Kenneth Kuan kkuan at cs.washington.edu AB
Brian Le lebrian at u.washington.edu BC
Ian Ma vyolian at cs.washington.edu BN
Hélène Martin ln at cs.washington.edu BJ
Robert Mathews robertm2 at cs.washington.edu AF
Jordan Rudd jsrduck at cs.washington.edu BB
Marianne Shaw mar at cs.washington.edu AC, AE
Scott Shawcroft scotts4 at u.washington.edu AM
Justine Sherry justine at cs.washington.edu BL
John-Paul Simonis jps88 at u.washington.edu AJ
Joshua Snyder snydej at u.washington.edu AK
Vadim Tkachev vtkachev at cs.washington.edu BH
Heather Underwood hmu2 at u.washington.edu AL
Gary Yngve gyngve at cs.washington.edu AA

Class Meetings

Lecture A         MWF 9:330 - 10:20, Bagley 131
Lecture B         MWF 11:30 - 12:20, Bagley 131 (Podcast)

Sections           various times and locations on Thursday


Head TA Grading Sessions:
For the rest of the quarter, Laura (head TA) will hold special sessions in her office, where students can bring her questions or complaints about the grading of their homework assignments. She will be in CSE room 220 every Friday (starting Fri Feb 8) from 1:30 - 2:30 pm.


Course Administrator

Pim Lustig

pl at cs.washington.edu