Next, you'll find at least 10 important words or phrases in your story and highlight by them using your "highlight" class (instructions below). The result will look something like this:
Last Saturday, I rode my bike to
Mercer Island with my friend
Mike. It was fun. On the way, we went through a park and stopped to watch some
girls playing lacrosse.
Lacrosse is a fascinating game. Then we saw
a man walking his
cat! The weather wasn't bad:
a few clouds, but not much wind. When we rode over the bridge, some
seagulls flew overhead crying at us. The ride took
2 hours and we were
exhausted by the time we got home.
[The highlighted terms need to include the words that fit those two special criteria described on the previous page:
1. One term needs to appear in at least
two places, once with the first letter capitalized, and once all lower case
2. One term needs to refer to a person, animal, or people who are
male/female/other depending upon the user's choice, and
another term needs to change based on that being's gender (i.e. his/her/its/their, him/her/them/it or she/he/they/it]
To create the highlights, you'll use the <span> tag
and a CSS class. This little bit of CSS and HTML will give you the
opportunity to experience the power of CSS in a small way.
<span> tags do nothing by themselves (they don't change the appearance at all). But they're used frequently just as a way of identifying the text that you want to apply a CSS class to.
3. Put all of your chosen words inside <span> tags and give them the attribute class="highlight", like this:
<span class="highlight">word to highlight</span>
4. View your file in a browser to be sure it's looking the way you expect it to look (with all of your keywords highlighted).
5. In preparation for making a form for the user to enter words, list each of your chosen 10 (or more) words and describe each one in a word or a few words (example below).
bike: something you can ride
Mercer Island: City
Mike: friend's name
girls: category of people
Lacrosse: sport or game
a man: pick from a list (a man, a woman, a person, some people)
cat: animal
A few clouds, but not much wind: description of the weather today
seagulls: type of bird
2: number
exhausted: how you're feeling today
6. Go to the Catalyst WebQ and answer Questions 9-10.
Now that your story has been created and you've identified words to
replace, you're ready to create your entry form. If you've never worked
with HTML before, we'll provide the form for you.