Podcasting Instructions

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This page gives you directions for recording your own podcasts. You will need a microphone for recording the podcast. Your TA will have microphones available in the drop-in labs in MGH 430, but if you are working on your podcast in the library, you will need your own mic.

It will also be help recording go more smoothly if you prepare a script in advance for your podcast.

The first thing to do is to prepare a script for yourself. Ideally, you want to pull your listeners in with some question or some statement that makes them want to hear more, then gradually add more detail. Also, try to limit the length of your first podcast to a few minutes. Here are a couple links to sites with example podcasts:

Requirements for Living Computer Museum tour:

Focus on three observations you made. If you're having trouble thinking of something, consider:

Write your script now. Include everything you will say. I've found it helpful to put the words or syllables I want to emphasize in italics and I put the strongest emphasis in italics and bold. For example,

I learned that women were the earliest programmers!

When you finish writing your script, you will be ready to record.

But first we need to install some software on your computer.

The software for podcasting is free and can be loaded onto any Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux computer. It's quick and easy to install. Because installation does not require rebooting the computer, it can be installed onto computers in the Library or the ones in MGH 430. It cannot be installed on the computers in MGH 058, 044, or 030.

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