Now that you have the area to be replaced highlighted, you need to retrieve the picture of Mt. St. Helens.
1.. Click on the Mt. St. Helens image to make it active.
2. To select the entire picture, choose "All" from the "Select" menu:
This will put a dotted box around the picture:
Now you need to put the picture in your clipboard (meaning that it's being stored in computer memory waiting for you to indicate what you want to do with it).
5. Choose "Copy" from the "Edit" menu. This puts a copy of the picture in the clipboard:
Now you want to paste the picture into the area you selected in the Red Square picture.
6. Click on the Red Square Picture. The sky should still be selected (i.e. it should still be outlined with a dotted line).
7. Choose "Paste Into" from the "Edit" menu:
The result will look something like the picture below (the sky has been replaced with the Mt. St. Helens picture, but it isn't positioned very well):
Now you want to move the picture.
7. Click on the "Move" tool:
8. Click on the Mt. St. Helens portion of the picture and hold the mouse button down while you move the picture where you want it to be:
You're done with your picture. Next you'll learn about finding images on the web that you can use for free.