Lab #4 Altering images with GIMP

Select an area to be replaced

First you'll need to select the area that you want to replace with the Mt. St. Helens image.

1. Click on the "Fuzzy Wand" tool. fuzzy wand tool

The cursor will turn into a wand. When you click with the wand, all of the area with the same color will be selected.

2. Click on the sky:

selecting the sky with the fuzzy wand tool

Probably there will be some sky that was left out because it was a slightly different color.

3. To include more area in the selection, hold down the Shift key and click in the new area. If too much was selected (e.g. you might find part of the roof of the library selected), hold down the Alt key and click on the area that you don't want to include in the selection. Do this until you've selected all of the sky:

including more of the sky by holding down Shift and the Fuzzy Wand Tool

Next, you'll be retrieving the Mt. St. Helens photo and pasting it into the Red Square photo...
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