Bruce Hemingway with Ying-Chao (Tony) Tung and Parker DeWilde
In this capstone we will function as a single mega-design team who have been commissioned to design and program a multi-nodal mesh radio-controlled set of "Creatures" who live in a large public space such as the Allen Center Atrium. The "Creatures" make sound, emit multi-colored light, sense motion, sense light levels and noise levels, and communicate to each other through 900MHz packet radio transmissions.
All "Creatures" obey a common set of rules of behavior, which encourages cooperation between "Creatures" and cumulatively produce emergent behavior of the group. This effect should be pleasing and relaxing, much more beneficial and entertaining than the usual background music.
We will explore such technologies as mesh networking, interrupt-driven multi-threaded processing, power-saving techniques, and rule-making to achieve leaderless emergent behavior. We will apply non-technical skills such as selecting colors and patterns and sounds for their expressive, evocative, and pleasing aesthetic effects.
Initial meetings will be TTh 2:30-4:20pm in EEB 037, to get our project groups organized, and later for review of progress as needed.
We will meet TTh, 2:30-4:200 p.m. in CSE 003E, and other times as arranged by project teams. This is your lab space, to which you have access at all times. No other claass uses this space this quarter.
TA LAB HOURS (starting Oct. 5):
Monday 2:00-4:00pm Tony
Wednesday 1:30-3:00pm Parker
Friday 12:00-1:30pm Parker
Friday 1:30-3:00pm Tony
Bruce Hemingway's office hours (CSE464):
Tues & Thurs 10am-12noon
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GitLab is here:
BOREALIS, a festival of light October 11-14 2018
Light Art Installation Walking Tour from 6-10PM
Software links and lecture notes
Old Flock Specification document