UW CSE 12x/14x TA Program


Application Process

Note: This application is separate from the general/returning CSE TA application. Preferences for 12x/14x listed on the general TA application will not be considered for prospective applicants.

The CSE 12x/14x TA application process for Autumn 2024 occurs from Week 7 through finals week. CSE 12x/14x does not hire new TAs for summer quarters. The process is highly competitive and we welcome applicants to apply multiple times.

The application timeline and process is as follows:

Round 1: Written Application

During Week 7, applicants will first fill out a written application with some basic information and answers to short essay questions. Applicants are encouraged to highlight their teaching passion and interest in their personal statements.

Round 2: Video Submission

During Week 8, we will select a group of applicants to submit a 3-minute teaching video. In this video, each applicant will present the beginning of a lesson on a basic 12x/14x topic. More information will be provided to applicants through email.

Round 3: In-Person Interview

During Week 10, we will invite some individuals to complete a 15-minute in-person interview on campus during finals week. Virtual interviews will not be accommodated. The interviews are conducted by our student TA Coordinators (experienced TAs who help run the program).

The interview consists of two parts: a microteach and an office hours simulation.

In the microteach, you will present a topic of your choice from CSE 12x/14x using a whiteboard and/or slide deck (you must bring your own device if you wish to present slides!), with a strict 5-minute limit. In the office hours simulation, you will demonstrate how you would assist a student through a linked list problem.

Application Requirements

To be a TA you must have:

  • Completed or are about to complete CSE 123/143 (or equivalent course).
  • Strong grades in both CSE 142 and 143 or CSE 122 and 123 (or equivalent courses).
  • An open time schedule to attend all meetings and lectures.
  • A deep interest in Computer Science.
  • A passion for teaching.

You also must be:

  • Legally eligible to work in the USA
  • Registered for at least 6 credits per quarter during the normal school year (Autumn through Spring)
  • A matriculated, undergraduate UW student
  • A responsible and dedicated individual who can manage the fairly intense workload of being a TA.
Note: CSE 12x/14x TAs do not have to be CSE Majors.

Time Commitments & Duties

TAing is a serious time commitment. TAs work an average of 17-19.5 hours per week. The break down is as follows:

  • Grade homework assignments, exams, and resubmissions - up to 7.5 hours per week
  • Attend lecture 2-3 hours a week for whichever class you TA
    • CSE 121: WF 11:30 am to 12:20 pm or 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
    • CSE 122: WF 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm or 3:30 to 4:20 pm
    • CSE 123: WF 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm or 3:30 pm to 4:20 pm
    • CSE 143: MWF N/A
    • CSE 143X: MWF 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
  • Attend staff meeting for 1.5 hours a week
    • CSE 121: Mondays 4:30 to 6:00 pm
    • CSE 122: Mondays 4:30 to 6:00 pm
    • CSE 123: Mondays 4:30 to 6:00 pm
    • CSE 143: TBD
    • CSE 143X: TBD
  • Attend the 12x/14x Community Meeting on Mondays 6:10 to 7:10 pm
  • Attend New TA Training on Thursdays 4:30 to 6:00 pm (for first quarter only)
  • Attend a Grading Party for their class (time determined quarter by quarter). Note: New TAs are required to attend Grading Parties at least an hour a week (see New TA Training section).
  • Host office hours (or work in the IPL) for a minimum of 2 hours per week
  • Lead Quiz Section (2 hours per week)

* All times listed above are in Pacific Time (PT). You can read more about mandatory TA duties here.

New TA Training

New TAs are required to participate in a weekly training program run by our undergraduate TA coordinators. The training sessions are held Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. In addition, new TAs are required to attend a one hour "grading party" each week in which we discuss how to grade the current programming assignment. The grading party time will be chosen after the quarter starts to accomodate a time that all of the new TAs can attend.

TAs will be paid for attending the TA training and grading party.

Also, it is important to note that while every week you are given materials to teach from, it is expected that TAs are extremely knowledgeable about the course material as this will not be part of training.


The starting pay for new TAs is $19.97/hour. TAs will receive hourly rate increases based on the number of quarters of experience as a TA. For more information visit the Undergrad TA Salary page.

All TAs are protected by the UAW 4121 union (which protects all Student Academic Employees on all three UW campuses.) For more information visit their site at www.uaw4121.org.