CSE373 Autumn 2007
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CSE373 Data Structures Au07, Homework 4

Electronic Turn-in of code due: 12:00pm Wednesday, Nov 14, 2007 using this link.
Written Problems and printout of code due: At the beginning of class, Wednesday, Nov 14, 2007

Written Problems:

  1. B-trees. Given the following parameters:
    • 1 Page on disk = 2048 bytes
    • Key = 20 bytes
    • Pointer = 4 bytes
    • Data = 256 bytes per record (includes key)
    • N = 1 billion data records
    What are the best values for:
    • M =
    • L =
    What is the maximum number of disk accesses required for retrieving a record:

  2. Leftist Heaps - Show the result of inserting values 1 to 12 in order (i.e. 1 first, then 2 second, then 3 third, etc.) into an initially empty leftist heap.

  3. Skew Heaps - Show the result of inserting values 1 to 12 in order (i.e. 1 first, then 2 second, then 3 third, etc.) into an initially empty skew heap.

  4. Binomial Queues - Weiss 6.32 (p.242 )


Implement a binary heap according to the PriorityQueue interface provided. Your implementations should automatically grow as necessary. Make a separate file for your binary heap implementation (BinaryHeap.java). Notes: Growing an array implementation one element at a time is not likely to be the most time efficient solution, and you should NOT use Java class libraries (no import statements).

Provided code:

Your priority queue implementations must accept Comparable objects.  Many classes such as String and Integer implement the Comparable interface. Your implementations of BinaryHeaps in particular need to use compareTo when comparing elements so the code will work on any Comparable object.  More information about Java's Comparable interface may be found at Sun's website. In addition, you might find this description from cse143 to be useful.  The Comparable interface is discussed in section 1.5 of the Weiss text.

We will be testing the code that you submit - so we will expect that you have done the same!

Please submit your file BinaryHeap.java electronically using the turn-in link.  Please also print out the file and bring it to class on the due date with your answers to the written problems.