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Midterm Study Guide

Midterm Exam: Friday, February 5, 2010

  • Exam policies
    • Closed book, closed notes.
    • The exam begins promptly at 2:30 and ends at 3:20.
  • Topics covered
    • All material from lecture 1 up to and including AVL trees is fair game.
    • This material corresponds to: Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 (not section 4.5 on Splay Trees or 4.7 on B-trees), and 6.
    • Here is a (fairly complete, but not exhaustive) summary of topics we've covered in lecture:
      • Linked lists. Simple linked lists, doubly linked lists, circularly linked lists.
      • Stacks and Queues, array and list implementations.
      • Recursion. Designing algorithms recursively.  Inductive proof.
      • Asymptotic analysis, Big-O. Worst, amortized (just the idea), average, best cases.  Upper and lower asymptotic bounds.  Analyzing loops, recurrences.
      • Trees - definitions
      • Binary Heaps, D-heaps - Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of increaseKey, decreaseKey, buildHeap.
      • Skew Heaps - Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of merge, increaseKey, decreaseKey
      • Leftist Heaps - Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of merge, increaseKey, decreaseKey
      • Binomial Queues - Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of merge, increaseKey, decreaseKey.
      • Dictionary ADT
      • Binary search trees - Inorder, preorder, postorder traversals, insert, delete, find, build.
      • AVL trees - Single and double rotations, insert, find, (no delete), build.
    • The focus will be on ideas/concepts about data structures and algorithms, not Java.
  • Study suggestions
    • Do concrete problems from the book and re-work problems from lecture, section, and HW.
    • Practice all the operations on binary heaps, skew heaps, leftist heaps, binomial queues, binary search trees, and AVL trees.
    • Practice analysis of algorithms.  Learn and be able to reason about the complexities of operations on the data structures we've discussed in class.
    • Try practice midterms.
  • Practice midterms (Some include topics (e.g. Splay Trees and B-Trees) not covered on our exam.) Unfortunately sample solutions to these are not available. The instructor or TAs would be happy to discuss any problems with you during office hours. There is also a section on the class message board devoted to midterm discussion.
  • Sample Solution to Winter 2010 Midterm.


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