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 CSE326 Spring 2007
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 Unix Basics

Basic steps for getting started with Unix

  1. Go to Allen 002, 006 or 022 and find a free PC.
  2. Log on to attu the undergrad linux server via ssh
  3. Learn how to navigate in Unix and use basic unix functions (cd, mkdir, cp, rm, man, info, etc.). You may want to refer to the UWACM tutorials.
  4. Choose a text editor (emacs, vim, pico, etc.). Try to learn emacs or vim. Pico is too simple to be a good code editor and is only mentioned as a last resort. Emacs and vim are roughly equivalent in power, but vim has a slightly higher learning curve. Read the Emacs tutorial in the emacs help menu to get started there. For vim, goto http://www.vim.org and look under documentation.
  5. Write a HelloWorld.java program. This is just for your benefit, you do not have to turn this in.
  6. Compile and run the program you wrote:
       javac -g HelloWorld.java
       java HelloWorld
Some introductory information about UNIX and C++ and Java (including some of the links mentioned above) can be found on this page.

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University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
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