Project 4: Animator

Assigned Wednesday, November 16th
Due Wednesday, December 7th by 5:30 PM
Artifact Due Wednesday, December 14th by 12:00 PM
Project TA Francis Ge
Project Turn-in Dropbox (instructions)
Artifact Turn-in
Artifact Winners Winners



In this project, you are required to extend a spline-based animation system to support multiple curve types, and implement a particle system simulation engine. After building a working system, you will use your (robust and powerful) program to produce a (compelling and arresting) animation.


The skeleton code provided is built on top of the same architecture as the Modeler, and is designed so that you can re-use your models. (Using your own model(s) is a requirement for this project, but you can make any changes to your previous model that you feel are appropriate, and can add new models that you've developed since Modeler.)  If you replace robotarm.cpp and robotarm.h with a working model file from Project 2 and change the references in scene.h and scene.cpp, you should be able to compile the program and play with the interface. If there are any additional things you added such as spotlights, you will need to copy that code over as well. Same with the surface of revolution if you want to use that.

As with the Modeler, this application has two windows: a viewer for the model, and a main window that allows you to manipulate the various model and camera parameters.  If you click on the "Controls" tab in the main window, you will essentially get the Modeler interface, with sliders for controlling components of your character.  The second mode, where you'll be spending most of your time, is the "Curves" mode.  Curves mode is where you edit a time-varying curve for each model parameter by adding and moving control points.  Selecting controls in the left-hand browser window brings up the corresponding curves in the graph on the right.  Here, time is plotted on the x-axis, and the value of a given parameter is plotted on the y-axis.  This graph display and interface is encapsulated in the GraphWidget class.

Getting Started

All of the skeleton code for the projects is stored on gitlab. We strongly recommend using git (or another) version control system.

Visit here for help checking out code and information on setting up and using git.

Project Requirements Summary

Here is a summary of the requirements for this project:

  • Implement the following curve types:
    • Bezier (cubic beziers splined together with C0 continuity)
    • Catmull-Rom (with endpoint interpolation)
    • B-spline (with endpoint interpolation)
  • Implement a particle system that:
    • is attached to a node of your hierarchy other than the root node
    • has two distinct forces acting on the particles
    • solves the system of forces using Euler's method
    • includes collision detection and response for both the sphere in the scene and another primitive of your choice (such as the ground plane)
    • provides control of the restitution constant (e.g a slider)

You'll need to use a model of your own creation, rather than the skeleton code model. Some of these requirements are explained in greater detail below.

Project Requirements Details

  • Bezier Curves
    When we say "cubic beziers splined together with C0 continuity" it means that you'll need at least four control points to make a single bezier curve. Adjacent Bezier curves share control points so that the last control point of one Bezier curve will be the first control point of another. In this way you can have two complete Bezier curves with only 7 control points. Note: In the lecture slides, you were shown an adaptive recursive algorithm for creating Bezier curves as well as a straightforward method that simply samples at a consistent rate. The adaptive Bezier curve generation is not required (but is a bell of extra credit). Feel free to sample the curve at a constant rate to fulfill the project requirments.

  • General Curves
    It is possible to make parametric curves that "double back" on themselves (x is not monotonically increasing as a function of t), which is obviously not desirable. It must be possible to interpret the curves that your solution produces as a function of time, so you'll have to think about and solve this case.

  • Two Distinct Forces
    Create at least two distinct types of forces that act on your particle system.  The three most obvious distinct forces are gravity (f=mg), viscous drag (f=-k_d*v), and Hooke's spring law. Other interesting possibilities include electromagnetic force, simulation of flocking behavior, and buoyant force. If the forces you choose are complicated or novel (or listed in the Bells and Whistles) you may earn extra credit while simultaneously fulfilling this requirement.

  • Collision Detection & Response
    Perform collision detection with your particles and the sphere in the default scene (or a sphere you create) and at least one additional primitive of your choice in your scene. A natural choice for the additional chosen primitive is the ground plane of your scene. Your particles should bounce off of the sphere and that primitive, and you should provide a control for the restitution constant that determines how much the normal component of the reflected velocity is attenuated. Note that the sphere should be able to be moved and the particle collisions should collide with the sphere's current position, not just its original position. The sphere collision should be "natural" - i.e. the particles colliding with the sphere should reflect off the sphere dependent on the sphere's normal at the point of collision and the particle's incoming velocity direction.

    To control the restitution, you can add a RangeProperty field to your ParticleSystem class, just like you did for your model class in Modeler. The difference is that you will add the field to your ParticleSystem class, then add it to your model's property list in your model's constructor. This way, you can easily access your field both from inside your ParticleSystem and inside your model!

    1. Add #include "properties.h" to particleSystem.h, before class ParticleSystem. This lets you use sliders in ParticleSystem.
    2. Add a RangeProperty named restitution to your ParticleSystem. Make it a public field.
      // in particleSystem.h
        #include "properties.h" // you added this, right?
        class ParticleSystem {
            RangeProperty restitution;
    3. In your ParticleSystem constructor, call your RangeProperty's constructor by adding the highlighted code:
      // in particleSystem.cpp
        ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem() : restitution("Restitution", 0.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f) {
          // ... constructor code
    4. Then, in your model's constructor, add the property to your model's property list.
      // in sample.cpp (or whatever file your model is in):
        class MyModel : public Model {
          ParticleSystem ps;
          // ... other stuff ....
          MyModel() : // ... constructor calls for your sliders, textures, shader, etc ...
            // ... calls to properties.add() for each slider, checkbox, etc. ...
    5. To obtain the slider value inside your computeForcesAndUpdateParticles() method in ParticleSystem, call restitution.getValue().
    6. Now, the restitution slider will appear with the rest of your model's controls, and will also be a curve you can animate.

Graph Widget Interface

After selecting a model parameter in the tree on the left, the parameter's corresponding animation curve is displayed in the graph. Each spline is evaluated as a simple piecewise linear curve that linearly interpolates between control points.  You can manipulate the curve as follows:



LEFT MOUSE Clicking anywhere in the graph creates a control point for the selected curve. Control points can be moved by clicking on them and dragging.
SHIFT LEFT MOUSE Removes a control point
ALT LEFT MOUSE Rubber-band selection of control points (for moving several at once)
RIGHT MOUSE Zooms in X and Y dimensions
CTRL RIGHT MOUSE Selects a region to zoom into (click the right mouse button again to zoom into the selected region)
SHIFT RIGHT MOUSE Pans the viewed region


Note that each of the displayed curves has a different scale. Based on the maximum and minimum values for each parameter that you specified in your model file, the curve is drawn to "fit" into the graph. You'll also notice that the other curve types in the drop-down menu are not working. One part of your requirements (outlined below) is to implement these other curves.

Controlling Time

At the bottom of the window is a simple set of VCR-style controls and a time slider that let you play, pause, and seek in your animation. The Simulate checkbox relates to the particle system which is discussed below. 

Controlling the Camera

  • Setting Keyframes:  You will use the camera keyframing interface to define some basic camera movements.  The Plot Keyframe button will take the current camera parameters from the viewport and save them as control points in the graph widget.  Typically, you will move the time slider, adjust the camera pose in the viewport, then click Plot Keyframe.  If you want to remove a keyframe, use the time slider to seek to the approximate time of the keyframe, then click "Clear Keyframe" button.  This button will delete all camera control points in a narrow range around the current time.
  • Editing Curves:  There are 8 camera parameters that appear as the last 8 items in the Model Controls list.  Clicking on one of these properties will cause the control points for this curve to appear in the graph widget interface.  From here, you can edit control points and curve types as you can with any other model parameter.

Skeleton Code for Curves

The GraphWidget object owns a bunch of Curve objects. The Curve class is used to represent the time-varying splines associated with your model parameters.  You don't need to worry about most of the existing code, which is used to handle the user interface.  However, it is important that you understand the curve evaluation model. Each curve is represented by a vector of evaluated points.

mutable std::vector m_ptvCtrlPts;
mutable std::vector m_ptvEvaluatedCurvePts;

The user of your program can manipulate the positions of the control points using the Graph Widget interface. Your code will compute the value of the curve at intervals in time, determining the shape of the curve. Given a set of control points, the system figures out what the evaluated points are.

This conversion process is handled by the CurveEvaluator member variable of each curve. 

const CurveEvaluator* m_pceEvaluator;

In the skeleton, only the LinearCurveEvaluator has been implemented. Consequently, the curve drawn is composed of line segments directly connecting each control point.  You should use the LinearCurveEvaluator as a model to implement the other required curve evaluators: Bezier, B-Spline, and Catmull-Rom.  C2-Interpolating curves can be added for extra credit. 

Adding curve types

Adding Curve Types

For each curve type, you must write a new class that inherits from CurveEvaluator. Inside the class, you should implement the evaluateCurve function. This function takes the following parameters:

ptvCtrlPts--a collection of control points that you specify in the curve editor
ptvEvaluatedCurvePts--a collection of evaluated curve points that you return from the function calculated using the curve type's formulas
fAniLength--the largest time, in seconds, for which a curve may be defined (i.e., the current "movie length")
bWrap--a flag indicating whether or not the curve should be wrapped (wrapping can be implemented for extra credit)

To add a new curve type, you should look in the GraphWidget constructor and change the following lines to use your new set of evaluator classes.

m_ppceCurveEvaluators[CURVE_TYPE_BSPLINE] = new LinearCurveEvaluator();
m_ppceCurveEvaluators[CURVE_TYPE_BEZIER] = new LinearCurveEvaluator();
m_ppceCurveEvaluators[CURVE_TYPE_CATMULLROM] = new LinearCurveEvaluator();

For Bezier curves (and the splines based on them), it is sufficient to sample the curve at fixed intervals of time. The adaptive de Casteljau subdivision algorithm presented in class may be implemented for an extra bell.

Catmull-Rom and B-spline curves should be endpoint interpolating. This can be done by doubling the endpoints for Catmull-Rom and tripling them for B-spline curves.

You do not have to sort the control points or the evaluated curve points. This has been done for you. Note, however, that for an interpolating curve (Catmull-Rom), the fact that the control points are given to you sorted by x does not ensure that the curve itself will also monotonically increase in x. You should recognize and handle this case appropriately.  One solution is to return only the evaluated points that are increasing monotonically in x.

Also, be aware that the evaluation function will linearly interpolate between the evaluated points to ensure a continuous curve on the screen.  This is why you don't have to generate infinitely many evaluated points.

Particle System Simulation

The skeleton code has a very high-level framework in place for running particle simulations that is based on Witkin's Particle System Dynamics.  In this model, there are three major components:

  1. Particle objects (which have physical properties such as mass, position and velocity)
  2. Forces
  3. An engine for simulating the effect of the forces acting on the particles that solves for the position and velocity of each particle at every time step

You are responsible for coming up with a representation for particles and forces.  The skeleton provides a very basic outline of a simulation engine, encapsulated by the ParticleSystem class.  Currently, the header file (ParticleSystem.h) specifies an interface that must be supported in order for your particle system to interact correctly with the animator UI.  Alternately, you can try to figure out how the UI works yourself by searching within the project files for all calls to the particle system's functions, and then re-organizing the code.  This second option may provide you with more flexibility in doing some very ambitious particle systems with extra UI support.  However, the framework seems general enough to support a wide range of particle systems.  There is detailed documentation in the header file itself that indicates what each function you are required to write should do.  Note that the ParticleSystem declaration is by no means complete.  As mentioned above, you will have to figure out how you want to store and organize particles and forces, and as a result, you will need to add member variables and functions. 

One of the functions you are required to implement is called computeForcesAndUpdateParticles:

virtual void computeForcesAndUpdateParticles(float t);

This function represents the meat of the simulation solver.  Here you will compute the forces acting on each particle and update their positions and velocities based on these forces using Euler's method.  As mentioned above, you are responsible for modeling particles and forces in some way that allows you to perform this update step at each frame.  

Particles As Part of a Hierarchy

One requirement of your particle system is to attach it to a node of your model other than the root.  This requires that you think carefully about about how to represent the positions of your particles. 

Suppose you want to attach a particle shower to your model's hand.  When you apply the force of gravity to these particles, the direction of the force will always be along the negative Y axis of the world.  If you mistakenly apply gravity along negative Y of the hand's coordinate space, you'll see some funky gravity that depends on the orientation of the hand (bad!).  To solve this problem, we recommend that you attach a particle emitter to the model's hand, but store all the particles positions as coordinates in world space.  This means that you'll need to calculate the world coordinates of the particle emitter every time a particle is spawned.

Please read the following pseudocode, which contains an in-depth discussion of using particles in your hierarchy.

The function getModelViewMatrix is used in the file above.  We are also providing the C implementation for it:

Mat4f getModelViewMatrix()
    GLfloat m[16];
    glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
    Mat4f matMV(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3],
        m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7],
        m[8], m[9], m[10], m[11],
        m[12], m[13], m[14], m[15] );
    return matMV.transpose(); // because the matrix GL returns is column major

Hooking Up Your Particle System

Animator obtains your model's particle system by calling the getParticleSystem() method of the Scene.cpp. There currently exists an unused ParticleSystem in the Scene class. So to add your particle system you can do either of the following:

  1. Use Scene's ParticleSystem ps.
  2. Or you can create one in your Model subclass and then override the method Model::getParticleSystem. Then in the Scene, you would change Scene::getParticleSystem() to call model->getParticleSystem

Animation Artifact

You will eventually use your program to produce an animated artifact for this project (after the project due date – see the top of the page for artifact due date). Under the File menu of the program, there is a Save Movie Frames option, which will let you specify a base filename for a set of movie frames.  Each frame is saved as a png or jpg, with your base filename plus some digits that indicate the frame number. Use a program like Adobe Premiere (installed in the labs) to compress the frames into a video file. (See Quick Links for more detail.)

Each person should turn in their own artifact. We may give extra credit to those that are exceptionally clever or aesthetically pleasing. Try to use the ideas discussed in the John Lasseter article. These include anticipation, follow-through, squash and stretch, and secondary motion. 

Finally, plan for your animation to be 30 seconds long (60 seconds is the absolute maximum).  You will find this is a very small amount of time, so consider this when planning your animation.  We reserve the right to penalize artifacts that go over the time limit and/or clip the video for the purposes of voting. Refer to this guide for creating the final submission (an H.264 MP4 file). You can play with settings to produce different encodings for your own purposes, but the final submission must be an H.264 MP4.

  • Absolute time limit: 60 seconds...shorter is better!
  • Animation will count toward final grade on animator project.
  • The course staff will grade based on technical and artistic merit.
You must turn in a representative image (snapshot) of your model/scene and your completed artifact (as a video) using the web interface.

See due dates/times at the top of this page.  Do not be late!


Pro tip!

You can save your progress on your animation by selecting File->Save Animation Script. When you want to continue working on your masterpiece, you can use File->Load Animation Script to continue where you left off. Important: if you decide you want to add another slider, this curve must be at the very bottom of your Scene. If you add it before the end, all of your saved curves will be shifted and applied to the wrong properties.


Turn In Procedure

Same turn in procedure as other projects. In the project directory, put source code in turnin/source folder and an executable in turnin/binary folder.

NOTE: Compile executable in Release Mode! There is an increase in performance by compiling and executable in release mode vs compiling in debug mode.

Bells and Whistles

Bells and whistles are extra extensions that are not required, and will be worth extra credit. You are also encouraged to come up with your own extensions for the project. Run your ideas by the TAs or Instructor, and we'll let you know if you'll be awarded extra credit for them. If you do decide to do something out of the ordinary (that is not listed here), be sure to mention it in a readme.txt when you submit the project.

Come up with another whistle and implement it.  A whistle is something that extends the use of one of the things you are already doing. It is part of the basic model construction, but extended or cloned and modified in an interesting way. Ask your TAs to make sure this whistle is valid.

Enhance the required spline options. Some of these will require alterations to the user interface, which involves learning Fluid and the UI framework.  If you want to access mouse events in the graph window, look at the handle function in the GraphWidget class.  Also, look at the Curve class to see what control point manipulation functions are already provided.  These could be helpful, and will likely give you a better understanding of how to modify or extend your program's behavior.  A maximum of 3 whistles will be given out in this category.

Let the user control the tension of the Catmull-Rom spline.

Implement one of the standard subdivision curves (e.g., Lane-Riesenfeld or Dyn-Levin-Gregory).

Add options to the user interface to enforce C1 or C2 continuity between adjacent Bezier curve segments automatically. (It should also be possible to override this feature in cases where you don't want this type of continuity.)

Add the ability to add a new control point to any curve type without changing the curve at all.

The linear curve code provided in the skeleton can be "wrapped," which means that the curve has C0 continuity between the end of the animation and the beginning. As a result, looping the animation does not result in abrupt jumps. You will be given a whistle for each (nonlinear) curve that you wrap.

Render a mirror in your scene. As you may already know, OpenGL has no built-in reflection capabilities. You can simulate a mirror with the following steps: 1) Reflect the world about the mirror's plane, 2) Draw the reflected world, 3) Pop the reflection about the mirror plane from your matrix stack, 4) Draw your world as normal.  After completing these steps, you may discover that some of the reflected geometry appears outside the surface of the mirror.  For an extra whistle you can clip the reflected image to the mirror's surface, you need to use something called the stencil buffer.  The stencil buffer is similar to a Z buffer and is used to restrict drawing to certain portions of the screen.  See Scott Schaefer's site for more information. In addition, the NeHe game development site has a detailed tutorial

Modify your particle system so that the particles' velocities get initialized with the velocity of the hierarchy component from which they are emitted. The particles may still have their own inherent initial velocity. For example, if your model is a helicopter with a cannon launching packages out if it, each package's velocity will need to be initialized to the sum of the helicopter's velocity and the velocity imparted by the cannon.

Particles rendered as points or spheres may not look that realistic.  You can achieve more spectacular effects with a simple technique called billboarding.  A billboarded quad (aka "sprite") is a textured square that always faces the camera.  See the sprites demo.  For full credit, you should load a texture with transparency (sample textures), and turn on alpha blending (see this tutorial for more information).  Hint:  When rotating your particles to face the camera, it's helpful to know the camera's up and right vectors in world-coordinates.

Use the billboarded quads you implemented above to render the following effects.  Each of these effects is worth one whistle provided you have put in a whistle worth of effort making the effect look good.

Fire (example) (You'll probably want to use additive blending for your particles -glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE);)

Snow (example)

Water fountain (example)

Fireworks (example)

Use environment mapping to simulate a reflective material.  This technique is particularly effective at faking a metallic material or reflective, rippling water surface.  Note that OpenGL provides some very useful functions for generating texture coordinates for spherical environment mapping.  Part of the challenge of this whistle is to find these functions and understand how they work.

Add baking to your particle system.  For simulations that are expensive to process, some systems allow you to cache the results of a simulation.  This is called "baking."  After simulating once, the cached simulation can then be played back without having to recompute the particle properties at each time step.  See this page for more information on how to implement particle baking.    

Implement a motion blur effect (example).  The easy way to implement motion blur is using an accumulation buffer - however, consumer grade graphics cards do not implement an accumulation buffer.  You'll need to simulate an accumulation buffer by rendering individual frames to a texture, then combining those textures.  See this tutorial for an example of rendering to a texture.

Euler's method is a very simple technique for solving the system of differential equations that defines particle motion.  However, more powerful methods can be used to get better, more accurate results.  Implement your simulation engine using a higher-order method such as the Runge-Kutta technique.  ( Numerical Recipes, Sections 16.0, 16.1) has a description of Runge-Kutta and pseudo-code.

Implement adaptive Bezier curve generation: Use a recursive, divide-and-conquer, de Casteljau algorithm to produce Bézier curves, rather than just sampling them at some arbitrary interval. You are required to provide some way to change the flatness parameter and maximum recursion depth, with a keystroke or mouse click.  In addition, you should have some way of showing (a debug print statement is fine) the number of points generated for a curve to demonstrate your adaptive algorithm at work. 

To get an extra whistle, provide visual controls in the UI (i.e. sliders) to modify the flatness parameter and maximum recursion depth, and also display the number of points generated for each curve in the UI.

Extend the particle system to handle springs. For example, a pony tail can be simulated with a simple spring system where one spring endpoint is attached to the character's head, while the others are floating in space.  In the case of springs, the force acting on the particle is calculated at every step, and it depends on the distance between the two endpoints.  For one more bell, implement spring-based cloth.  For 2 more bells, implement spring-based fur.  The fur must respond to collisions with other geometry and interact with at least two forces like wind and gravity.

Allow for particles to bounce off each other by detecting collisions when updating their positions and velocities.  Although it is difficult to make this very robust, your system should behave reasonably.

Implement a "general" subdivision curve, so the user can specify an arbitrary averaging mask  You will receive still more credit if you can generate, display, and apply the evaluation masks as well.  There's a site at Caltech with a few interesting applets that may be useful.

Add a lens flare.  This effect has components both in screen space and world space effect.    For full credit, your lens flare should have at least 5 flare "drops", and the transparency of the drops should change depending on how far the light source is from the center of the screen.  You do not have to handle the case where the light source is occluded by other geometry (but this is worth an extra whistle).

Perform collision detection with more complicated shapes.  For complex scenes, you can even use the accelerated ray tracer and ray casting to determine if a collision is going to occur.  Credit will vary with the complexity shapes and the sophistication of the scheme used for collision detection.

If you find something you don't like about the interface, or something you think you could do better, change it!  Any really good changes will be incorporated into the next Animator.  Credit varies with the quality of the improvement.

If you'd like, go back and implement any of the extra credit for Modeler in your Animator project. You'll receive half of the stated credit (so one whistle instead of one bell, etc.). Obviously, you'll only receive credit for features that you didn't originally implement for Modeler.


Add flocking behaviors to your particles to simulate creatures moving in flocks, herds, or schools.  A convincing way of doing this is called "boids"  (see here for a short flocking guide made by 457 staff, and here for a demo and for more information).  For full credit, use a model for your creatures that makes it easy to see their direction and orientation (as a minimal example, you could show this with colored pyramids, oriented towards the direction in which the creatures are pointing).  For up to one more bell, make a realistic creature model and have it move realistically according to its motion path.  For example, a bird model would flap its wings to gain speed and rise in the air, and hold its wings outstretched when turning or gliding.


Implement a C2-Interpolating curve.  There is already an entry for it in the drop-down menu. See this handout.


Add the ability to edit Catmull-Rom curves using the two "inner" Bezier control points as "handles" on the interpolated "outer" Catmull-Rom control points. After the user tugs on handles, the curve may no longer be Catmull-Rom.  In other words, the user is really drawing a C1 continuous curve that starts off with the Catmull-Rom choice for the inner Bezier points, but can then be edited by selecting and editing the handles.  The user should be allowed to drag the interpolated point in a manner that causes the inner Bezier points to be dragged along.  See PowerPoint and Illustrator pencil-drawn curves for an example.


Implement picking of a part in the model hierarchy.  In other words, make it so that you can click on a part of your model to select its animation curve.  To recognize which body part you're picking, you need to first render all body parts into a hidden buffer using only an emissive color that corresponds to an object ID.  After modifying the mouse-ing UI to know about your new picking mode, you'll figure out which body part the user has picked by reading out the ID from your object ID buffer at the location where the mouse clicked.  This should then trigger the GraphWidget to select the appropriate curve for editing.  If you're thinking of doing either of the inverse kinematics (IK) extensions below, this kind of interface would be required.  


If you implemented twist for your original model, the camera movement for your old modeler can give some unexpected results.  For example, twist your model 90 degrees.  Now try to do rotations as normal.  This effect is called gimbal lock.  Change the camera to use quaternions as a method for avoiding the gimbal lock.


Implement projected textures.  Projected textures are used to simulate things like a slide projector, spotlight illumination, or casting shadows onto arbitrary geometry.  Check out this demo and read details of the effect at glBase, and SGI. For an extra bell, adapt your projected textures to implement shadow mapping.


Another way to implement real-time shadows is by creating extra geometry in the scene to represent the shadows, based on the silhouettes of objects with respect to light sources. This is called shadow volumes. Shadow volumes can be more accurate than shadow maps, though they can be more resource-intensive, as well. Implement shadow volumes for the objects in your scene. For an extra bell, make it so that shadows work correctly even when your camera is located within a shadow volume.


An alternative way to do animations is to transform an already existing animation by way of motion warping (animations). Extend the animator to support this type of motion editing.


We've talked about rigid-body simulations in class.  Incorporate this functionality into your program, so that you can correctly simulate collisions and response between rigid objects in your scene.  You should be able to specify a set of objects in your model to be included in the simulation, and the user should have the ability to enable and disable the simulation either using the existing "Simulate" button, or with a new button.   

Monster Bells

Disclaimer: please consult the course staff before spending any serious time on these. They are quite difficult, and credit can vary depending on the quality of your method and implementation.

Inverse kinematics

The hierarchical model that you created is controlled by forward kinematics; that is, the positions of the parts vary as a function of joint angles. More mathematically stated, the positions of the joints are computed as a function of the degrees of freedom (these DOFs are most often rotations). The problem is inverse kinematics is to determine the DOFs of a model to satisfy a set of positional constraints, subject to the DOF constraints of the model (a knee on a human model, for instance, should not bend backwards).

This is a significantly harder problem than forward kinematics. Aside from the complicated math involved, many inverse kinematics problems do unique solutions. Imagine a human model, with the feet constrained to the ground. Now we wish to place the hand, say, about five feet off the ground. We need to figure out the value of every joint angle in the body to achieve the desired pose. Clearly, there are an infinite number of solutions. Which one is "best"?

Now imagine that we wish to place the hand 15 feet off the ground. It's fairly unlikely that a realistic human model can do this with its feet still planted on the ground. But inverse kinematics must provide a good solution anyway. How is a good solution defined?

Your solver should be fully general and not rely on your specific model (although you can assume that the degrees of freedom are all rotational). Additionally, you should modify your user interface to allow interactive control of your model though the inverse kinematics solver. The solver should run quickly enough to respond to mouse movement.

If you're interested in implementing this, you will probably want to consult the CSE558 lecture notes.

Interactive Control of Physically-Based Animation

Create a character whose physics can be controlled by moving a mouse or pressing keys on the keyboard.  For example, moving the mouse up or down may make the knees bend or extend the knees (so your character can jump), while moving it the left or right could control the waist angle (so your character can lean forward or backward).  Rather than have these controls change joint angles directly, as was done in the modeler project, the controls should create torques on the joints so that the character moves in very realistic ways.  This monster bell requires components of the rigid body simulation extension above, but you will receive credit for both extensions as long as both are fully implemented..  For this extension, you will create a hierarchical character composed of several rigid bodies.   Next, devise a way user interactively control your character.  

This technique can produce some organic looking movements that are a lot of fun to control.  For example, you could create a little Luxo Jr. that hops around and kicks a ball.  Or, you could create a downhill skier that can jump over gaps and perform backflips (see the Ski Stunt example below).

SIGGRAPH paper -

Several movie examples -

Ski Stunt - a fun game that implements this monster bell - Information and Java applet demo - Complete Game (win32)

If you want, you can do it in 2D, like the examples shown in this paper (in this case you will get full monster bell credit, but half credit for the rigid body component).