Chase paper review

From: Brian Milnes (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 15:28:25 PST

  • Next message: Alexander G Balikov: "Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward Lazowska. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System"

    Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address Operating System - Chase et al

     The authors propose a radical change to modern operating system called
    Opal. Opal allows sharing of data by decoupling addressing and protection.
    The concept of a process in a private address space is replaced with threads
    running in protected segments of a single global address space. This address
    space is protected using capabilities and capabilities can be published and
    looked up in a service guarded by ACLs. Protected calls similar to those of
    Multics are implemented. A garbage collection by reference counting is
    needed for segments and to replace the easy cleanup at the end of process
    life, resource groups are added.

    This design does not limit modularity, allows segments to be easily shared
    with varying levels of trust, allows segments to be stored persistently on
    disk and could share the address space in a cluster. Other approaches have
    paid a very high cost for protection like this unless they have relied upon
    a single type safe programming language for protection.

     They implemented this design under the Mach 3.0 microkernel and show
    performance roughly equivalent to the native Mach operations. As Mach 3.0 is
    quite expensive, due to the high cost of its messaging and server
    architecture, what they've really shown is that their operations are quite
    cheap as they have mostly been implemented using the Mach primitives.

    This is a radical departure from the normal style of Unix programming. A
    process like a web server is constructed with a single mother process that
    forks to share initial data and to allow multiple children to read from the
    same socket. My attempts to get these children to synchronize on shared data
    and to communicate has required a large amount of work and a great drop in
    performance. My experience building systems under Unix makes the Opal model
    very tempting.

    Some of the problems with shared single address space are that programs can'
    t grow their segments, in practice the address space must be recycled, Unix
    fork can not be implemented, data copies must have pointers remapped and
    copy on write requires read only aliasing. Another weakness with the paper
    is that the restructuring of Boeing's CAD environment is a dissatisfying
    example. The restructuring is clear but the benefits of this aren't seen in
    any great way. It is also a shame the authors chose to skip the flushing of
    persistent segments to disk and crash recovery. I have written data in
    shared memory segments and this caused serious IO loads. You must somehow
    schedule with the kernel how aggressively it should write versus how much
    work or loss that you can tolerate during recovery.

  • Next message: Alexander G Balikov: "Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward Lazowska. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System"

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