Review: Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 15:05:08 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Chase paper review"

    The paper focuses on sharing and protection in the Opal, a
    single-address-space operating system.

    The initial trigger for this OS seems to have come from the advent of
    64-bit address space architectures and the radical increase in the
    amount of address space available because of that.
    The authors' goal is to restructure operating systems in order to
    improve the organization of both the system and its applications and in
    particular to enhance sharing, simplify integration. Opal provides a
    single global virtual address space that is shared by all procedures and
    all data. Another design goal is to fully separate addressing and
    protection. The fundamental principle of Opal is that the addresses
    have unique interpretation all the time everywhere. The authors say that
    many of the concepts in Opal are related to many previous systems and
    they hope to demonstrate that recent advances in hardware, OS and
    language technologies help in achieving the goals of previous systems
    with out special purpose hardware, without loss of protection or
    performance and without requiring a single type-safe language.

    The authors discuss the single address space approach. Here the review
    the advantages and disadvantages of multiple-address-space approach
    (advantages: increased address space, provide hard memory protection
    boundaries, easy cleanup on exit; disadvantages: obstacles to efficient
    cooperation between protected application components - pointer based
    information is not easily shared, stored or transmitted).
    Private-address-space systems force poor tradeoffs between protection,
    performance and integration. In single-address-space model, the system
    rather than the applications coordinates the address bindings. All
    virtual address space is treated as a global resource controlled by OS.
    The authors state the advantages of private spaces will not be lost.
    Protection domains are decoupled from other concepts in process. Opal
    has no conventional programs and has procedures residing in shared
    address space. A single-address-space system on one node can be
    extended to include network-wide data and persistent data not in active
    use. This helps reduce the frequency with which data conversion
    mechanism (marshalling and translation) needs to be applied.

    The next section defines the fundamental Opal mechanisms / facilities
    that are intended to be building blocks for building languages and
    runtime environments.
    The units of storage allocation and protection are segments (contiguous
    extent of virtual pages). The virtual address of a segment is a
    permanent attribute and the smallest possible segment is one page. The
    units of execution are threads. A protection domain is an execution
    context for threads, restricting their access to a specific set of
    segments at a particular instant in time. The Opal philosophy is that
    storage allocation, protection and reclamation should be coarse grained
    at the operating system level. Access control is provided by
    capabilities. Attaching and detaching segments to the protection
    domain are possible given the segment capability.
    For interdomain communications (communication between threads) Opal
    domains can create portals. Portals can be used to implement servers or
    protected objects. A portal is an entry point to a domain uniquely
    identified by portalID. Proxies on the client side and guards on the
    server side explain the support that can be built above the basic Opal
    facility-portals. Threads are allowed to create child domains.
    While essentials of linking and executing code is the same in Opal and
    conventional systems and sharing and dynamic use of code modules is easy
    in shared address space, the support of private data in shared modules
    is trickier (In Opal, instances of private static data must exist at
    different virtual addresses).
    Explicit reference counting is used for storage management (with the
    help of attach and detach). Resource groups support accounting and bulk
    deletes of unreleased resources. Opal runtime package retains a current
    resource group for each thread and passes a capability for that group as
    a hidden argument on server calls. Accounting charges flow up the tree
    of resource groups and deletion privileges extend down the tree.

    The next section talks about implementing an Opal Prototype using Mach
    Microkernel. The authors talk about run time package, the Opal server,
    persistence & recoverability and linking (resolve and refine utilities).

    The next section talks about applications and performance where they
    describe the Boeing CAD system. The authors present mediators to
    facilitate tools interaction (UNIX style independence and tool
    interactions was mentioned as a goal). Events are using to accommodate
    this. The authors try to compare the cost of an Opal cross-domain call
    (133 micro sec) with the cross-address space calls in Mach (88 micro

    The authors then list the issues for the single-address-space approach
    (virtual contiguity, conserving address space, UNIX-style fork, data
    copying and copy-on-write). They conclude that the tradeoffs of the
    single-address-space model are reasonable, given sufficient hardware
    address space.

    The authors then list down the relations to previous work.
    1) Multics [1968] and other segmented systems [1988,1990]
    2) Cedar [1986] and Pilot [1980] (these systems support a single
    virtual address space in which all applications execute)
    3) Capability based Architectures [1974,1981, 1984]
    4) Object based operating systems and languages [Hydra-1975, 1985,
    5) Monads [1992 and 1985] (these systems use a large 60-bit shared
    virtual address space that includes persistent data and spans a local
    6) Psyche and Hemlock [1990]
    7) Swizzling [1984] (is a method of simulating a large address
    space on smaller-address hardware by translating pointers from short
    inform to long outform or vice versa)
    The authors believe that Opal is significant because it exploits modern
    64-bit processors to meet the goals of previous systems in a way that is
    simple, general and efficient. It requires no special hardware.

    This paper is neatly organized and it tries to focus on protection and
    sharing in Opal. Even though the paper is lengthy, I think that many of
    the information in the paper are useful. I liked that it had two
    separate sections for discussing the issues with this
    single-address-space approach and the relation to previous work. I
    think that there are enough details in the paper to understand the ideas
    behind Opal and its construction. Proxy package explains the power and
    usage of portals and also sets the expectations on the power of other
    Opal abstractions in a similar way.

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