Review of Saltzar's MULTICS paper

From: Gail Rahn (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 16:22:39 PST

  • Next message: Richard Jackson: "Review: Jerome H. Saltzer. Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics."

    The Saltzar paper extends the progression of operating system complexity and
    feature density by depicting MULTICS, a prototype operating system that
    implements protection and information-sharing mechanisms. Where in THE we
    saw no file protection, and in UNIX we saw a file system and basic access
    control using six-bits of permissions, in the MULTICS we discover initial
    cuts at access control lists, user authentication, file and directory
    permissions, user-based permissions (in users and superusers),

    In the Saltzar paper we see the beginnings of the security obsession. When
    can a file be accessedThe authors were able to do significant analysis on
    the practical, everyday operation of MULTICS because it was an actual
    computing system in daily use at MIT. No doubt, this usage and testing
    displayed many of the design limitations encountered and described by the

    A fault in the Saltzar paper is the setting of physical storage limits as a
    unit of access control. I'm not sure what happens when a file larger than
    the segment size is attempted to be created or secured. Are the ACLs copied?
    And then subject to independent change?


    A good

    I am reading the Saltzar paper while wrapping up my own secure system design
    (for something much smaller than an OS), and it's heartening to see
    foundational principles in early action - principle of least privilege,
    avoidance of design obfuscation and no caching of security...

    -- Gail.

    Gail Rahn

    Screaming Geek Software

  • Next message: Richard Jackson: "Review: Jerome H. Saltzer. Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics."

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