Review of Multics paper

From: David Coleman (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 16:22:21 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of Saltzar's MULTICS paper"

    The paper Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics
    by Jerome Saltzer is a fairly in-depth look at the protection mechanisms
    in Multics. This paper is not an overview of Multics and does not
    provide much discussion even of the storage system that is being
    protected. Because of this focus, an overview of Multics might make
    digesting the content of this paper easier.
    The paper is basically broken up into the following sections:
    Introduction, Access Control Lists, Hierarchical Access Control, User
    Authentication, Virtual Memory Protection, and Weaknesses.
    The overall design principles are an interesting discussion on the
    philosophy of secure designs. These same principles are being trumpeted
    today (by a large, Redmond-based company) as the correct approach to
    building secure software. Reading this section really caused me to
    reflect and realize that our industry does not usually look to academic
    research when designing or building software. Had these principles been
    followed more strictly, our personal computing environments today would
    be much more secure than they currently are.
    The access control lists (ACL) used in Multics are incredibly flexible.
    An ACL is a list of principal identifiers. A principal identifier is a
    unique name (often the name of the user) of a process. ACLs were
    partitioned into 3 parts: basically user, group/project, and a unique
    concept called compartments. The compartment concept seems very useful
    as it provides a way to sandbox new programs to keep them from touching
    any other storage objects on the system. This capability could be
    extended to be very useful today to prevent rogue installation programs
    from corrupting systems.
    Overlapping ACL entries are allowed and have an algorithm that
    determines which one is applied. The algorithm boils down to the most
    specific ACL entry being applied. I believe this approach may lead to
    some weaknesses in the system due to unintentional overlapping entries
    granting or revoking access that the owner did not intend.
    Access modes (read, write, execute) are appended to ACL entries
    extending their usefulness. This allows owners to grant a group read
    access and individual members of that group write access as well.
    Additionally functionality included supporting links, (early on, but
    later removed) traps where a procedure is run prior to granting access,
    dealing with backup copying of segments, printers, etc. One interesting
    note is that actual text string names are used in the ACL instead of a
    unique user ID which led to some side effects of names never being
    removed/reused on the system.
    User authentication was probably the largest hole in the security of the
    system. Simple passwords were allowed and suggested to the users. The
    encryption used on passwords was not strong. As such, the system would
    be very susceptible to a dictionary attack. Electing to simply use the
    text username instead of a unique user ID again limited the ability to
    reuse names. Anonymous logins were allowed but were still subject to
    ACL entries. Thus a storage system object had to explicitly allow
    anonymous access. All jobs were associated with a user that had to
    interactively log in. Even though a chain of batch processes could run,
    they had to initiate with a validated user. Proxy jobs were allowed
    where the principal identifier of another user is allowed (only after
    explicitly granting those rights). Hiding passwords as they are typed
    in, displaying last login times, time-outs at terminals were techniques
    used to make the user authentication system more usable and more robust.
    Virtual memory is protected via hardware support using a
    descriptor-based approach. The protection is actually quite elaborate
    and even helps to protect against privileged users running amok. The
    ability to restrict calls into protected memory to run through certain
    entry points prevents intentional misuse as well as programmatic errors
    that might compromise the system. Rings of protection (0-7) are
    implemented in which the hardware allows a protected subsystem to use
    only descriptors of a ring of greater than or the current value. All
    memory accesses use the virtual memory system which prevents "backdoor"
    access from a non-compliant program.
    The discussion of weaknesses is interesting and shows how insightful the
    designers really are about the topic of security.
    Overall the protection mechanisms in Multics were incredibly well
    thought out with particular attention paid, at least indirectly, to
    customer needs (such as the DoD). This is somewhat amazing given the
    relative lack of security threats that existed when the system was
    designed. The Multics team did benefit from hardware support and took
    full use of it. Today's PC's do not have the same level of support
    which ironically means that they are going to be less secure than
    Multics was 30+ years ago.

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of Saltzar's MULTICS paper"

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