Review: Saltzer, Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics

From: Ian King (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 00:38:43 PST

  • Next message: James Welle: "Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

    Saltzer describes the mechanisms designed into the Multics operating system for
    the purpose of allowing data to be protected from unauthorized access and use.
    The Multics system was "evolving", to use Saltzer's description; therefore, some
    of the mechanisms described in this paper are not in fact implemented.
    Nonetheless, this paper demonstrates considerable thought from several
    perspectives on issues of security for a system used by persons who may be
    naive, ignorant or malicious.

    Saltzer separately discusses the manner in which access is controlled, and the
    mechanism to identify those who seek access. On the first subject, general
    principles are first set forth, including the principles of 'deny unless
    allowed' and 'least privilege'. It is argued both are superior to alternatives
    because of their 'fail safe' nature: if access is not explicitly allowed, the
    default is no access, thus protecting data; and if programs are not granted
    broad privileges, flaws in the programs are less likely to overstep the
    privilege for which they are intended. Open design is another principle, which
    forces attention to the true strength of the mechanism rather than relying on
    obfuscation. The principle of evaluating privilege on every access to an object
    is where the Multics design demonstrates true paranoia, although the argument is
    well taken, and is revisited later from the perspective of residual data (on a
    storage device or in memory). Finally, the human factor is addressed, briefly
    as a general principle, but is revisited several times in depth in specific

    The description of access control lists is quite in-depth, and while
    acknowledging that it is not truly universal, the compromises made are seemingly
    insignificant in actual usage. The scheme is designed both for rigor and for
    ease of use; the goal is to create a 'comfortable default' so that users will
    naturally apply maximum protection to their data. The permanence of user names
    is another feature intended to preclude 'stupid' errors, i.e. accidentally
    providing access to a new employee simply because his name is the same as that
    of a former employee - one must be astounded at the thought processes involved
    in generating the considered scenarios, ranging from the careless to the

    The section discussing authentication is likewise very detailed; however, as
    there is little innovative here, the detail is somewhat tedious, although again
    one observes the considerable thought that derived scenarios discussed. In
    particular, in the discussion regarding the requirement of an authenticated user
    for every process (whether directly or through a chain of authority), one may
    infer a somewhat military model of responsibility being mapped onto the
    operation of the system: SOMEone must accept responsibility, even if the
    underlying process is an unattended batch.

    The description of protection of in-memory data is interesting, because this
    remains a challenge even today; although the hardware for per-process memory
    protection exists, poor programming (either in the application, or in the tools
    used to produce the application, i.e. the compiler and libraries) can often
    subvert that protection.

    The honesty with which the author describes the system's weaknesses supports the
    credibility to the premises set forth earlier in the paper, especially as each
    can be clearly traced to the principles of the system being incorrectly or
    incompletely applied. In particular, while ease of use was a key goal, the
    richness of the protection mechanisms, together with their interaction with
    common computing tasks (e.g. backups), created a system that required
    considerable user sophistication. Defaulted choices provided some relief, but
    even simple matters such as whether an item of data can be printed require
    decisions with possibly broad implications. He also speaks honestly of
    economics and schedule pressures as factors in the deficiencies - a factor often
    seen in commercial software of all eras.

    Finally, Saltzer makes the critical point that the goal of these mechanisms is
    to create a securable system; he asserts that no system is secure without
    thought to the application of the provided mechanisms toward the user's security
    goals. The human is still the arbiter of what it means to be secure.

  • Next message: James Welle: "Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

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