Review for "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations"

From: Justin Voskuhl (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 16:52:25 PST

  • Next message: Alexander G Balikov: "Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations"

    In Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations the authors
    describe the basic facilities in their system, the protection scheme it
    implements and some basic definitions around processes. Then the
    authors proceed to describe the functions available to processes around
    parallel programming. These include the UNIX-style fork, an operation
    to wait for a counter to be decremented, a way to quit a process,
    locking (lock and unlock primitives.) The lock and unlock primitives
    have a limit as to how long you can keep a lock, since the system can't
    perform a context switch while you have a lock. There are ways to
    create protected environments in which you can perform computations by
    creating "sub spheres" in which you can restrict the capabilities the
    computation can run with. There are primitives that are useful for
    debugging sub-processes, such as examine, which lets you examine memory
    in a subprocess. The naming scheme for segments is very interesting.
    The names are rooted with principals (users) and proceed from there, so
    each filename starts with a principal. However two principals can link
    to the same directory, so sharing of files is permitted.

  • Next message: Alexander G Balikov: "Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations"

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