Review: Dennis & Van Horn, Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations

From: Ian King (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 16:49:19 PST

  • Next message: Justin Voskuhl: "Review for "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations""

    Dennis and Van Horn's paper describes semantics for discussing securable
    multiprogrammed systems. While they have attempted to create their lexicon at a
    very high level of abstraction, many of the concepts discussed can be traced
    directly into known implementations - which speaks well for the abstraction.
    Those concepts are also seen in other literature of the immediately subsequent

    The concept of a segment as a fundamental unit is described; it is interesting
    that the authors admit it is implemented as a 'file' in at least one extant
    system. The word is unfortunate, because to modern ears it tends to conjure the
    idea of a memory segment. However, it is clear that a segment has no fixed
    physical reality, and can appear in dynamic memory or persistent storage. Its
    true significance as a concept is in the context of security.

    While the paper briefly discusses the idea of multiple processors, there is no
    discussion of the mechanisms by which multiprocessor systems would share the
    physical resources - that's a hardware problem. It is also interesting that the
    authors expressly state that the significance of ensuring parallel execution of
    processes is for efficiency of resource allocation, not performance. This is a
    reminder of the scarcity of resources in a typical computing system of the day.

    One concept that remains quite abstract is that of a capability. I admit to
    having difficulty grasping the true import of this concept until reading a
    subsequent paper in which it was employed at a slighly more concrete level. The
    C-list is also quite abstract, and I believe is usually implemented implicitly,
    and sometimes in hardware structures. For instance, the ability to access
    physical memory is constrained by virtual memory systems, which are supported by
    physical memory managers that enable the mapping between physical and virtual
    spaces; this mapping is not only done to create large virtual memory spaces, but
    more importantly to provide protection of one process' memory from another - to
    enforce the implicit granting of capabilities to one process, and denial to

    The idea of inferior spheres of protection is introduced as a debugging aid, but
    it is arguable that this is the model employed by many operating systems to
    distinguish between user processes and system processes; while some systems
    implement a 'supervisor' as a distinct, superior entity (or segment), others
    implement the supervisor as a process distinguished only by its capabilities.

    The concept of protected entry points is interesting, as this is the method
    employed by the Windows CE operating system to implement system calls. Other
    operating systems employ some sort of exception (or "trap") mechanism to convey
    requests into a privileged supervisor.

    The discussion of exceptional conditions is well considered and presents a
    reasonably complete taxonomy.

    Naming and directories read quite easily to one familiar with modern systems.
    The problem of ambiguous names, which the authors suggest can most easily be
    addressed with a required prefix. This solution has been implemented by some
    operating systems through automatic addition of distinguishing information (for
    instance, the user ID as part of the file name in RSX-11), but is most commonly
    implemented today through the inclusion of a hierarchical directory name string,
    or path, as a logical component of the file name.

    As always, the culture in which the authors worked comes through in their
    writing, and it is interesting to note the interest in accounting for use of
    computational resources. While this concept is not familiar to those who have
    worked exclusively in the personal computer world, it was pervasive in a time
    when hardware was incredibly expensive and amortizing that cost was a key goal
    of most computers' keepers.

  • Next message: Justin Voskuhl: "Review for "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations""

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