Semantics paper review

From: ahemavathy (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 11:03:17 PST

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: semantics for multi-programmer computations"

    "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed computations" is an interesting paper explaining some of the meta-instructions essential to the implementation of computation processes in a Multiprogrammed Computer System.The paper starts with 5 essential properties of a Multiprogrammed system from the authors' point of view. Then they go on to describe certain terminologies such as segments, protection, processes, Computations and Principals. Supervisor is described as the core of the computer system functions such as storage allocation, scheduling, accounting and implementing the meta instructions.

    After the terminology definitions, the next section describes the meta-instructions, grouping them together along with meta-instructions used in the same context making it easier for the reader. Lockouts are described. Then the paper clearly explains the spheres of protection and the associated exception conditions which need to be handled by the supervisor to the superior sphere. The paper has a good description of the some protection schemes to control the information sharing. Finally the paper talks about the directory structure and the Naming of Objects including sharing mechanisms of the directories.

    I liked this paper as it was easy to read. I could understand most of the concepts the authors talk about and relate it to current process and how it has evolved. The directories and Naming concepts are quite different from what it is today. It seems to have quite rigid rules which obviously is the reason why it has changed over the period of time.

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: semantics for multi-programmer computations"

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