Programming Semantics For Multiprogrammed Computations

From: Greg Green (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 11:01:16 PST

  • Next message: ahemavathy: "Semantics paper review"

    This paper covers a design of operating system that introduces the
    concept of capability lists as a fundamental unit of protection. The
    capability lists are attached to segments, which is an ordered set of
    words identified by a name. All objects in the os are referenced via a
    word name, which is a segment id, and an index into that segment.

    Each segment has a capability attached to it, with various access
    indicators composed of combinations of read, write, execute. Each
    capability has an ownership indicator, either owned or not-owned.

    A basic unit of operation is called a computation, which is a group of
    one or more processes running in a sphere of protection provided by a
    list of capabilities, or a C-List. A computation is under the control
    of a principal or user.

    The paper then introduces meta instructions, which are basic
    instructions that interact with the concepts listed above. They allow
    the os to implement parallel programming and various protection

    Parallel programming is done by the fork, quit and join
    instructions. Fork is similar to the modern concept of a thread, in
    that it sees the same data, but can have it's own set of private data
    as well. Join is a conditional jump if all processes, recorded by a
    count, have completed. Locking critical sections or shared data is
    provided using the instructions lock and unlock.

    A concept of Inferior spheres of protection is introduced, where
    another context of C-list can be provided in the course of
    execution. This is done with the create sphere, grant, and start
    instructions. Another important concept is Protected entry points,
    where another sphere of protection can be created when using a
    protected procedure. Here the calling process calls the entry point,
    the supervisor modifies the C-list and runs the procedure in another
    process under the new sphere of protection.

    The final section of the paper talks about naming. A namespace for
    each principle is created. The namespace is a root directory that
    contains capabilities that point at segments, i/o functions, or other
    directories. This root directory is owned by the principle. The
    sub-directories can be created by the principle or linked directories
    of other principles. The directory entries can be flagged as private
    or globally accessible. Examples of how principles can share or
    protect capabilities are then presented.

    I thought the paper was quite interesting. I don't know of any system
    that has all of these features, such as the sphere of protection and
    protected entry points. Do these exist in some system? It seems that the
    java virtual machine security provisions are somewhat similar to the
    sphere of protection.

    Another interesting bit was the lock and unlock instructions. This
    predates the Dijkstra appendix that talks about semaphores. Was this
    idea implemented and used at the time? If so, why is Dijkstra
    considered the inventor of this?

    The paper has a fork instruction that is very similar to the fork
    implemented in UNIX. Is that where the idea came from? The idea of
    every object and resource having a name is also quite
    interesting. This seems like a very good idea. It simplifies the
    association of C-lists with the various resources and the logic of
    protecting them. It is easy to understand as well.

    --Greg Green

  • Next message: ahemavathy: "Semantics paper review"

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