"Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems" Review

From: Tarik Nesh-Nash (tarikn_at_microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 17:46:24 PST

  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Li & Hudak, Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems"

    This paper states the importance of the movement of memory data and
    processes between physical processors and discusses its major problem;
    memory coherence. It presents different design solutions to this
    problem and gives experimental data about its performance.

    A first design decision was relates to the granularity. Pages size was
    decided to be optimal since it provides a good performance tradeoff
    (considering: size, contention and locality). The paper then discusses
    many strategies for memory coherence based on page synchronization and
    page ownership.

    The writeback page synchronization approach was rejected and the
    invalidation method was used for its better performance. At the
    ownership level, since the static ownership is too restrictive, the
    paper favors dynamic pages ownership and presents three different
    methods to implement it.

    Centralized system, where all the ownership information is stored at the
    master machine, seems the easy to implement and to debug; it could be
    also improved by moving the synchronization logic to the nodes.
    However, the centralized system has the drawback of potential bottleneck
    at the master level. Fixed distributed management offers a relatively
    better performance but it is limiting (How does recoverability
    handled?). A Broadcasting mechanism can workaround this limitation,
    though the communication can become a bottleneck. An improvement will be
    to have logic to best guess the page owner machine.

    Experimental results show that this design offers better performance

    In general, this paper discusses interesting architectural improvements
    to better use memory and processors. Many issues were not discusses

    - Load balancing

    - Could a process share pages that are stored across many
    processors? (a huge program)



  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Li & Hudak, Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems"

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