Review of Kai Li paper

From: Praveen Rao (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 17:45:56 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems" Review"

    In this paper authors discuss shared memory coherence in loosely coupled
    multi-processor systems.

    Authors talk about two possible strategies for page synchronization -
    write back and invalidation. Write back is not considered as a write to
    a shared page will cause all copies of the page to be updated, which can
    become very expensive. As for page ownership authors talk about static
    and dynamic ownership. Static ownership is discarded as it will be

    For dynamic ownership authors discuss various strategies -
    * centralized manager,
    * a centralized manager where synchronization of page ownership is done
    by individual owners (thereby elimination confirmation operation to the
    * Fixed distributed manager (where page ownership is statically divided
    amongst processors)
    * Broadcast distributed manager (where a processor manages the pages
    that it owns, faulting processors send broadcast messages to find the
    true owner of the page, this approach can potentially make the
    communication subsystem the bottleneck)
    * A dynamic distributed manager (where the ownership of each page is
    tracked in each processor's local ptable, this reduces network traffic
    as each processor knows a probable owner of the page, which is the
    actual owner in most cases)
    * A dynamic distributed manager with fewer broadcast (this algorithm
    improves upon the previous one by enforcing a broadcast message after K
    faults to the page)

    I liked the approach in the paper describing each algorithm and
    improving the algorithms incrementally.

    In the end authors discuss experimental results which verify that
    dynamic distributed manager algorithm generates lowest number of faults
    and generates much fewer broadcast messages (since probable owner is
    mostly the actual owner of the page). With this algorithm 3-D PDE
    problem gets a linear (actually better than linear due to reduced disk
    paging) speedup, and matrix multiplication gets near linear speedup as
    the number of processors increases. Merge-split sort puts it in
    perspective though, which does not get such a linear speedup. Authors
    blame that on the nature of the problems (details of which I don't
    understand and they haven't clarified).

    Authors conclude with reaffirming the practicality of such a loosely
    couples shared memory system.

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems" Review"

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